So what's the worst genre genre of metal?

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Stop listening to In Flaymz then.

Last three albums = nu-metal influence. They also happen to suck. I only listen to Lunar Strain through Clayman.

I absolutely cannot get into grindcore. I think black metal does have some contradictions, at times. And most brutal death metal repulses me. But I wouldn't call any of these genres bad.
Metalcore doesn't really seem metal to me - mix of hardcore and metal, but the image and lyrics seem more hardcore/emo based to me. I'd be willing to accept it as a genre of metal. Nu-metal and rap metal, however, are not metal. It's angsty, emotional, and angry, it's based on downtuned, simplistic guitar bits and drum rhythms, and it just plain sucks.
I don't like stoner metal, but I don't listen to much of it. Same for doom metal.
Metalcore and Power Metal, Nu Metal isnt as bad as people say, actually most of the Nu Metal bands have turned to a more hard rock sound.
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