The Worst Metal Genre

He kills it on pretty much the whole of AJFA. Nearly every song has some weird kick pattern that feels complicated probably just for the sake of it, but it adds to the off-kilterness of the album. If anything I'd say Dyers Eve is probably his least interesting song on the album even if it gets attention for the double-bass (and being multi-tracked since he couldn't play it steady, lol).

EDIT: And he kinda ripped off Hoglan for One but whatevs
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Best version of AJFA imo. Have heard other remixes, such as "And Justice for Jason", however, remixes such as that just crank the bass up to 11, which is nice and all, but by no means a good mix for the album. This one is really good for the overall sound.

Possibly the only good thing to ever come from Guitar Hero. Again, bass is more audible in this mix. The mix also gets rid of the over-compression.

Keeper of the Seven Keys or Battle at Helm's Deep aren't begrudgingly metal. You're talking out of your ass. Also this idea that power metal is suspect because it took the "dark and dirty" out of metal is so retarded... it's heavy fucking metal mate, it's supposed to be glorious, the Judas Priest DNA is itself uplifting and exploding with power.

Where this idea came from that metal has to be or fundamentally is dark and dirty is beyond me. I can only assume it implies a very limited experience with the genre. Sure, power metal did perhaps go too far with the flowery shit, but black metal also went too far with barely audible bedroom noise shit (dark and dirty enough for you bruh? literally just noise).

To even attempt to disqualify power metal is pure idiocy though.
Keeper of the Seven Keys or Battle at Helm's Deep aren't begrudgingly metal. You're talking out of your ass. Also this idea that power metal is suspect because it took the "dark and dirty" out of metal is so retarded... it's heavy fucking metal mate, it's supposed to be glorious, the Judas Priest DNA is itself uplifting and exploding with power.

Where this idea came from that metal has to be or fundamentally is dark and dirty is beyond me. I can only assume it implies a very limited experience with the genre. Sure, power metal did perhaps go too far with the flowery shit, but black metal also went too far with barely audible bedroom noise shit (dark and dirty enough for you bruh? literally just noise).
This entire line of thought is also made more hilarious by things like Rainbow - Rising being considered one of the foundational albums to the genre.
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And despite all of that his rhythms are repetitive and generic. I'm not judging based on live performance, and certainly not as they are today, but on record Lombardo has bigger, flashier drum fills, and plays faster more often, that's it.
Lombardo plays with much more intensity and his technique makes for much better listening to my ears. His fills that you find so overblown are one of the things I love about his playing most, they are huge and memorable and add to the songs. And his use of double kick was massively influential. He's much more of a 'classic' metal drummer but he does it so fucking well.

He just has an unusual penchant for intentionally playing off-beat and drawing attention to himself. Just off the top of my head, examples would include Escape where he forces in this quick snare fill at the end of each measure, or Disposable Heroes where in the intro he changes the beat emphasis to play off of the guitar rhythm, or Blackened where after the solo he completely changes which beat he's playing on. The fills on their own merits are easily identifiable as uniquely his as well; there's some guy on YouTube that intentionally parodies various drummers' styles for other artists' songs, and whenever it's an "Ulrich does X" video it's clear which fill was derived from which particular moment in a Metallica song, unlike a "Lombardo does X" where it's big-tom-fill-1000 or "Benante does X" where it's high-school-marching-band-snare-roll-1000. The only song I've ever heard that really sounds Ulrichian is Angel Witch's Confused, which was probably intended to be a little weird to begin with. Voivod's Time Warp actually does the Escape thing as well although it's not really the entire song. I get how people could hate Ulrich or say he's a bad drummer by whatever standards exist of good drumming, but at his peak he was totally unique and played up the songs rather than playing for them. Especially in a world where objectively-sloppy guys like the Possessed guy and Steve Flynn are worshipped for their spaz-factor, all the Ulrich hate reads like people trying to get those YouTube comment upvotes. I'd still take Hoglan, Away, Zonder, and a handful of others over him, but Ulrich is an absolute artist and masterclass of metal outsider talent.
I actually love Ulrich's drumming on RtL-AJfA for all the reasons you mentioned, he's basically a hack that came up with some interesting ideas because of his limitations. Some of it annoys me though; his propensity for playing fills that extend one beat past the bar gets tiring, especially on Justice. I think Cliff was good at keeping him in check and getting him to play more for the song. On Justice he just turned the bass down and went full retard, which works better in some places than others. He also influenced shitloads of kids to go buy click pads for their kick drums because of the godawful kick sound on AJfA.
All the defense of power metal on this page makes me happy <3

Obligatory link dump for Bruticus' re-education:

yeah they were good once fuck you

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Keeper of the Seven Keys or Battle at Helm's Deep aren't begrudgingly metal. You're talking out of your ass. Also this idea that power metal is suspect because it took the "dark and dirty" out of metal is so retarded... it's heavy fucking metal mate, it's supposed to be glorious, the Judas Priest DNA is itself uplifting and exploding with power.

Where this idea came from that metal has to be or fundamentally is dark and dirty is beyond me. I can only assume it implies a very limited experience with the genre. Sure, power metal did perhaps go too far with the flowery shit, but black metal also went too far with barely audible bedroom noise shit (dark and dirty enough for you bruh? literally just noise).

To even attempt to disqualify power metal is pure idiocy though.
Well I guess that settles that !