Southern metal: Does it exist?

People need to stop getting into shit with HamburgerBoy. He says some ridiculous stuff. Just let it go, it's not worth it.
No. I do not consider a mental defect to be "the next step in human evolution". Not that I've heard Varg say this, but even if he has, I couldn't care less about an artists views. Art transcends its creators.

My point is that you have serious fucking problems, bro.


If Varg's mental defect was cured, you wouldn't get to enjoy his autistic music.
I wish I had a little cousin into metal or something so I could educate them. I want a musical pupil whose knowledge is exclusively what they've heard on the radio, but who is open to whatever I wanna push on them.
I've been wanting the same thing!!!! My friends are sick of me pushing music information in their faces.
Not more serious than:

"Seriously though. Stop."

Saying "you guys are taking this way too seriously" after the fact is like saying "jokes on them I was only pretending." Shame on me for assuming you were expressing your opinion in earnest, am I right?

well i was being earnest to an extent (although the list of made up genres was obv intended to be ridiculous :p). i miss the days when people were more content with just describing new music rather than trying to make a supposedly fresh and innovative movement out of every microscopically different band that turns up. it's a very modern obsession, one which i suspect originated in trendier genres but has over the past couple decades (and especially the last decade) become particularly prevalent in metal, and the serial offenders are usually clueless folks with no sense of the history of what they're talking about. i'll grant you that my disdain for this trend is probably more of a stupidity-by-association thing than a stupidity-in-itself thing, but i still think it's probably unhealthy and i like to discourage pigeonholing music in general.

imagine how annoying this forum would be if we had a thread for every little sub-sub-sub-sub genre each with its own localised cluster of doting 13 year old scenesters. thats how i feel about a lot of modern metal communities!

For once, you have made a valid post. Nice work.

it exists but most of it is gay. them ol cotton fields back home when WASPs were WASPs and afro americans were out on the fields are over.
oh and re: hamburgerboy, there's nothing wrong with fusions in and of themselves, it's just that in practice they tend to borrow the most superficial aspects of genres rather than growing organically into a hybrid. the best fusion bands usually have a background in and passion for multiple genres, but most are just concerned with being the next fresh thing and sounding different, resulting in soulless and pointless experimentation. there's nothing wrong with blackgaze as a concept (although the term is really yucky let's face it) for example, the problem is it's usually blending C- black metal with C- shoegaze because they think just spanning genres or jumping on the latest bandwagon is enough. most bands aren't doing it for the right reasons, i.e. to communicate genuine emotion or a vision.

95% of modern 'fusion' metal, particularly since the internet globalised everything and got a lot of non-metal folks wanting to dabble in the genre, just conveys the impression that the band has sat down and thought 'hmmmm i wanna make something experimental and artistic... what's never been blended together before guys? find some obscure genres on wikipedia!' this is why there's always been such an insular backlash from old-schoolers in various genres, stubbornly idolising stuff just for being derivatively traditional, as though merely demonstrating an affection for real metal, demonstrating that you're one of us, is enough to make your music good (it's not... but i sympathise). it's a kneejerk response to the way a lot of modern stuff, although flying the flag of their beloved genre, is actually approaching it from the outside without a sense of its history, using its surface attributes to bring novelty to music that has little to do with the genre's roots or what it stands for at all. it's a somewhat sad state of affairs... on the one side there's shallow bastardisation and on the other there's the generic old-school, and only a small minority in between is actually still evolving these genres in a major way from within.
Herein lies your stupidity, southern in that context doesnt mean what you think it does. Its referring to southern rock influence, which is actually a thing, unlike all this garbage youve posted. Its like people that think post metal is an offensive term. YOU MEAN METAL IS OVER? No you twat...

Wow, OK I'll spend time on this...

1.) He posted "southern metal" in the context of genre rather than scene. It isn't too much of an anomaly to assume he was suggesting it was somehow the former instead of the latter. After all, people always talk about "Scandinavian metal" and "British heavy metal", with lots more talking about "Swedish death metal". Further still, loads of people here on this forum talk about "French black metal". Where I'm from in the US people always talk about "New England" metal and hardcore. I could go on forever but I won't. I thought he was suggesting that these scenes have somehow evolved into their own genres. Really sorry for misinterpreting it. I hope I can still post here.

2.) Now more importantly, that's a pretty harsh post on your part, bro. "All the garbage" I've posted? Have you ever quoted me and said garbage? I don't think you and I have ever had a single interaction on this forum in the entire 10+ years I've been posting here. I don't know who you are, and I'm being quite honest. You just blend in with most people. Obviously you can't say the same about me, so either you're thinking of someone else or you're an angry drunk or maybe just an ass. Or come to think of it, maybe you were one of the people who shit their pants in the controversial opinions thread when I said that Megadeth sucked. I can't remember. Quite probably you're all of the above. Now off you go.
Actually all i know of you is you like lots of shitty melodeath. I was referring to the "Northern metal, western metal, pacific coast metal. Mississippi delta metal." bit, which is nonsense you were trying to compare to something that was at least referencing something legitimate.