What IS metal?


May 26, 2008
So Cal
Yes, we've all experienced the endless debate on the topic of what is and isn't metal (typically in reference to numetal and metalcore). Anyway, whenever I get stuck in one of these discussions I find my self not very capable of arguing for either side because I can't really explain in words what metal is (it's hard to define a genre that can contain both Behemoth and Blind Guardian). So what is metal? Are there a set of musical qualities that must exist for something to be classed as metal? Are there qualities that cannot exist? Is it just a broad term to describe existing genres that have evolved from the so-called 'heavy metal'? I've heard that metal bands are bands that consider themselves metal bands.

So what IS metal?
Well, phylogenically speaking, nu metal and metalcore are partially derived from metal and partially from grunge, hardcore, hiphop, etc. I would say that if a given genre is 50% or more metal by its roots, then it should be considered metal.
That's a good way to put it. Although it's not always easy to determine a percentage of influence, especially with genres like nu metal where the bands contained in the supposed 'genre' are so very different.
if it has downtuned electric guitar it's metal
It is tough to define. Heavy metal is a meta-genre that includes everything from simplistic to complicated, aggressive to serene, inspirational to nihilistic. Instrumentation of course is quite consistent (almost every metal band ever had guitar, bass, and drums), as are certain tone colors.
Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music[1] that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and the United States.[2] With roots in blues rock and psychedelic rock, the bands that created heavy metal developed a thick, massive sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, and overall loudness. Heavy metal lyrics and performance styles are generally associated with masculinity and machismo.[3]

The first heavy metal bands such as Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple attracted large audiences, though they were often critically reviled, a status common throughout the history of the genre. In the mid-1970s Judas Priest helped spur the genre's evolution by discarding much of its blues influence; Motörhead introduced a punk rock sensibility and an increasing emphasis on speed. Bands in the New Wave of British Heavy Metal such as Iron Maiden followed in a similar vein. Before the end of the decade, heavy metal had attracted a worldwide following of fans known as "metalheads" or "headbangers".

In the 1980s, glam metal became a major commercial force with groups like Mötley Crüe and Poison. Underground scenes produced an array of more extreme, aggressive styles: thrash metal broke into the mainstream with bands such as Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax, while other styles like death metal and black metal remain subcultural phenomena. Since the mid-1990s, popular styles such as nu metal, which often incorporates elements of grunge and hip hop; and metalcore, which blends extreme metal with hardcore punk, have further expanded the definition of the genre.

You're ok for a troll, but still... try harder.

I really think he's just new. He liked an Autopsy song in the rate what the poster above is listening to thread so theres hope for him.

Nu-metal just isnt generally considered metal here. (or it is and there's a general distaste for it anyway.)

If you want to talk about extreme metal or the traditional forms (heavy/doom/power/whatever) this is the right place... if not, you're probably out of luck.
Might be. Asking why people here don't like Limp Bizkit just sounds absurd. But yeah, maybe he's just learning.
Ok, now I understand. I like a lot of the harder shit too Oceano, Lamb of God, Sinai Beach, Rammstein, Devildriver...

I just did not fully understand, because Limp Bizkit yeah they have some shit songs but some of their work (especially the first and fifth albums) have to be considered in some regards Heavy Metal level. It was just misleading to me, because yeah Limp Bizkit is Nu-Metal so I was just a little confused.

Thanks for responding.
Metal's all about being gay. A bunch of sweaty guys in leather and studs wanking their instruments to a beat the general population just doesn't understand. No chicks allowed!