The Worst Metal Genre

Yeah but at least they're excited and smiling while they bang their guitars on the floor singing about goblins in glorious falsetto. Its feel good high spirited music, there's always a grandness to it. There's certainly worse... Like the dudes who bang their guitars in the gutter while stumbling through your choking grandpappy's rendition of twinkle little demon star.
I tend not to listen to black metal but I do listen to power metal. I used to listen to it because I loved the way people looked down on you for mentioning power metal bands in the same sentence any other metal band, like they were some how superior for not listening to it. But these days I don't give a fuck, if I like it I listen to it. But there does seem to be a huge amount of bands listed as power metal these days and some of them are difficult to listen too.
Just joking. If I were to lay blame for the devolution of power metal, I'd echo your comment probably, but with a caveat that Dragonforce spread the corruption faster and further than any other band.
Dragonforce was just a meme though, there was lots of shit power metal when they were still a shit black metal band.
I think it's more a case of influence, and I bet a good chunk of shit modern power metal bands were started by Guitar Hero kids.

But of course they didn't start anything.
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I think it's more a case of influence, and I bet a good chunk of shit modern power metal bands were started by Guitar Hero kids.

Dammit I knew there was a reason my power metal band failed.
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Guitar Hero wasn't even a thing until late 2005. By that point you already had bands like Kamelot, Nightwish, and Sonata Arctica releasing their floweriest shit.
Ahh the guitar hero generation lol. I remember i had friends who got me to play the game by telling me there are Slayer and Megadeth tracks on there. It was pretty cool but i never mastered it on the hardest settings. I picked up the Metallica one from ebay a few years ago but still haven't got around to playing it.
I believe there is a direct correlation between being good at guitar hero and being utterly shite at playing any form of real instrument.
I picked up the Metallica one from ebay a few years ago but still haven't got around to playing it.

You've got 20-25 years, Lars reckons Metallica has that long in them. By then they might be looking for replacements to fill the band rather than retire.