The Worst Metal Genre

I'm a guy who usually focuses on and notices drumming just in general and I literally can't remember anything about Ulrich's performances.
nah but I mean. Like, Power metal fans man, they're likely the type that'll take photos wearing cardboard home made armor on top of some hill they drove to with their mom's car, looking utterly serious, and then go back home and photoshop a dragon in the background, still fully seriously...while in their 30's. This last description may be a SLIGHT caricature, but there's seriously no other demographic targetted by this style of music.

From my own personal life experience, the power metal fans were always slightly loner-ish, role-playing-gamers with their card games and stuff, often the manga/anime obsessed kind... very naive personalities... socially awkward... I mean power metal may have a couple of good bands or wtvr, but it's seriously a bit of a disgrace to what METAL is.

It's metal's cheesy nephew it's willing to tolerate but will quickly shove aside and get rid of when it's time the adults get together.

And somehow wearing makeup and dressing in a bunch of homoerotic leather, thinking that somehow makes you "evil", is less nerdy and autistic. Riiiiiiight. I put the fanbases of black metal and power metal on about the same line as far as geeky losers go.
Power metallers are at least self-aware. Black metal is filled with retards who think they're purveyors of high art and philosophy.

Depends on the kind of black metal I think. War and black thrash generally isn’t included and has some foaming at the mouth uncultured motherfuckers. Myself at least partly included.
And somehow wearing makeup and dressing in a bunch of homoerotic leather, thinking that somehow makes you "evil", is less nerdy and autistic. Riiiiiiight. I put the fanbases of black metal and power metal on about the same line as far as geeky losers go.
Well I suppose you're right. I put the emphasis on black metal fans still being fans of what I consider actual metal. Death thrash doom groove black...that's all metal. Power metal, I mean consider it metal if you wish but it's very difficult to put that in the same company as the subgenres I just mentioned. Traditional metal is fine, but power metal specifically... I guess it's metal for musicians that were interested in taking the 'dark' and the 'dirty' out of metal, which is a bit nonsensical in a way isn't it.
Lombardo has better chops, better timing, better technique and better stamina. No contest.

And despite all of that his rhythms are repetitive and generic. I'm not judging based on live performance, and certainly not as they are today, but on record Lombardo has bigger, flashier drum fills, and plays faster more often, that's it.

I'm a guy who usually focuses on and notices drumming just in general and I literally can't remember anything about Ulrich's performances.

I don't understand this. Even if you hate Ulrich's style, he's clearly one of the most easily identifiable drummers in all of metal.
Power metal, I mean consider it metal if you wish but it's very difficult to put that in the same company as the subgenres I just mentioned. Traditional metal is fine, but power metal specifically... I guess it's metal for musicians that were interested in taking the 'dark' and the 'dirty' out of metal, which is a bit nonsensical in a way isn't it.

This is drivel.

I don't understand this. Even if you hate Ulrich's style, he's clearly one of the most easily identifiable drummers in all of metal.

He is? News to me, unless he's identifiable by how forgettable/shit he is. Dunno.
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He is? News to me, unless he's identifiable by how forgettable/shit he is. Dunno.

He just has an unusual penchant for intentionally playing off-beat and drawing attention to himself. Just off the top of my head, examples would include Escape where he forces in this quick snare fill at the end of each measure, or Disposable Heroes where in the intro he changes the beat emphasis to play off of the guitar rhythm, or Blackened where after the solo he completely changes which beat he's playing on. The fills on their own merits are easily identifiable as uniquely his as well; there's some guy on YouTube that intentionally parodies various drummers' styles for other artists' songs, and whenever it's an "Ulrich does X" video it's clear which fill was derived from which particular moment in a Metallica song, unlike a "Lombardo does X" where it's big-tom-fill-1000 or "Benante does X" where it's high-school-marching-band-snare-roll-1000. The only song I've ever heard that really sounds Ulrichian is Angel Witch's Confused, which was probably intended to be a little weird to begin with. Voivod's Time Warp actually does the Escape thing as well although it's not really the entire song. I get how people could hate Ulrich or say he's a bad drummer by whatever standards exist of good drumming, but at his peak he was totally unique and played up the songs rather than playing for them. Especially in a world where objectively-sloppy guys like the Possessed guy and Steve Flynn are worshipped for their spaz-factor, all the Ulrich hate reads like people trying to get those YouTube comment upvotes. I'd still take Hoglan, Away, Zonder, and a handful of others over him, but Ulrich is an absolute artist and masterclass of metal outsider talent.