The Worst Metal Genre

Core and core variants. I'm not too savvy on that field of subgenres but the shit where it sounds like 16 year old emo kids alternating between Sum 41 whining and crappy growls and screams. Shocking it's even a genre, back in my day it was just called elementary. I can even stand minimalist black noise better than it, and that's a close second.
Well... Djent. But it isn't so much metal is it.

I'd say Power metal to be a little bit less sneaky about it. There's a huuuuuge difference in my mind between what metal is about and what power metal is, and it shows in the actual fans of both genres: take 10 typical thrash/death/black metal fans and 10 typical power metal fans, very different sets of individuals typically. The first are metalheads, the second nerds. Power metal is the cheesiest possible form of metal imo, gives the whole genre a bad name. Nerdy fantasy overly melodic operatic metal with dragons and twin guitar harmonies... yum.
if youre talking purely about symphonic power metal then i would some what agree with you but if not then stfu
Symphonic cheese metal at least has its place as entertainment, like a popcorn fantasy movie, many other genres are purely worthless dogshit.
Well... Djent. But it isn't so much metal is it.

I'd say Power metal to be a little bit less sneaky about it. There's a huuuuuge difference in my mind between what metal is about and what power metal is, and it shows in the actual fans of both genres: take 10 typical thrash/death/black metal fans and 10 typical power metal fans, very different sets of individuals typically. The first are metalheads, the second nerds. Power metal is the cheesiest possible form of metal imo, gives the whole genre a bad name. Nerdy fantasy overly melodic operatic metal with dragons and twin guitar harmonies... yum.

You're clearly deluding yourself if you think black metal fans aren't nerds.
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Nerds, dragons, and twin guitar harmonies > you
ooh I see I hit a nerve there.

You're clearly deluding yourself if you think black metal fans aren't nerds.
yeah that's true as well, but I don't think there would be more nerds there than in power metal. I mean you can't not be a nerd if you're into power metal, you can not be a nerd if you're into black metal.
Power metal is glorious good guy metal for rebels who refuse to hail satan and would rather get the maidens the old fashioned way.
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Most metalheads are nerds really. Except Phil Anselmo. He will fuck you up and don’t you forget it, boy.
nah but I mean. Like, Power metal fans man, they're likely the type that'll take photos wearing cardboard home made armor on top of some hill they drove to with their mom's car, looking utterly serious, and then go back home and photoshop a dragon in the background, still fully seriously...while in their 30's. This last description may be a SLIGHT caricature, but there's seriously no other demographic targetted by this style of music.

From my own personal life experience, the power metal fans were always slightly loner-ish, role-playing-gamers with their card games and stuff, often the manga/anime obsessed kind... very naive personalities... socially awkward... I mean power metal may have a couple of good bands or wtvr, but it's seriously a bit of a disgrace to what METAL is.

It's metal's cheesy nephew it's willing to tolerate but will quickly shove aside and get rid of when it's time the adults get together.
nah but I mean. Like, Power metal fans man, they're likely the type that'll take photos wearing cardboard home made armor on top of some hill they drove to with their mom's car, looking utterly serious, and then go back home and photoshop a dragon in the background, still fully seriously...while in their 30's. This last description may be a SLIGHT caricature, but there's seriously no other demographic targetted by this style of music.

From my own personal life experience, the power metal fans were always slightly loner-ish, role-playing-gamers with their card games and stuff, often the manga/anime obsessed kind... very naive personalities... socially awkward... I mean power metal may have a couple of good bands or wtvr, but it's seriously a bit of a disgrace to what METAL is.
Oh, yeah, I know what you mean. They'll be running and prancing around the woods wearing wizard hats and stuff. Kind of like this.