The Worst Metal Genre

Everything exists to be classified and put in its proper position. Music genres, flavors of soda, Saturday morning cartoons, ethnic groups, etc. Humanity's defining trait is its ability to consciously discriminate and make judgment.
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Anything where Punk influence, especially vocal style, shows up too much. Black, Thrash, & Sludge particularly (I like all three genres, just hate them when the punk gets too strong)
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there is literally nothing wrong with classifying music under genres
it gives people a broad term to describe what theyre about to listen to and helps people discover new music and discuss it more easily

fuck this post

Genres are little more than trigger words to most people, but by all means feel free to fuck your own post
99% of stoner is the most derivative Hole in the Sky-clonery ever and I'd honestly probably prefer listening to most black metal over it, but Kyuss' existence redeems it.
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Well I always found most things "prog" super boring. There are exceptions to this of course.

Also, as I said in a different thread, black/thrash doesn't do it for me.
The answer is, and always will be, Nu Metal. Parachute pants, dreads & basketball jerseys have no place in metal.
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Also, anyone who complains that classifications exist is 100% anti-intellectual. Why would you want language to be less accurate hahahaha