So who here has compared a 5150/5150 II side by side?


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
The Peavey bug has bit me again. I want to buy either a 6505+ or 6505. I've played plenty of them in my day, but have only owned the +. How do they compare in your opinion? Less gain, brighter for the +? Do you think they can be dialed in to sound the same? I've always been told the regular 5150 s the way to go...I liked my 6505+s, but am wondering if the regular is more for me. thanks,

I had a 5150II first, then a 5150 , then I sold the 5150II

It is simple for me, I didn't need the flexibility of the 5150II and I prefer the 5150's grind
I got a 6505 for this very reason. Tried a 5150II and the extra "sizzle" sounds cool when just playing the amp but in a mix the 6505 sounds bigger.
As I understand the 6505 has a deeper voicing then the 6505+
I have NOT AB'ed side by side, though....

I guess there is a reason Peavey decided to keep the "old" 5150mk1 re-branded as 6505 instead of just keeping the 6505+ as the one with most features.... also, Machine Head are "endorsed" by 6505 on Peaveys webpage, not 6505+....makes you think a little right?
I have... both are cool, it just comes down to personal preference. They're really, really, really similar. The 5150II sounds a bit cleaner and more tidy overall to me, but doesn't have quite as much grind to it.
Thanks for the replies guys! I guess it all comes down to preference. I'm gonna try the regular and see how I get along with it.

I've owned both (well, to be specific a 5150 and a 6505+, haha). I still have the 6505+ and sold the 5150. I like them both, and I *feel* I can get the grind of the 6505 with the +, too. I've used EQ's in the loop to boost a little low mids and cut some of the highs in the past and couldn't tell a difference between the + and the reg.
Well I think your also going to get diffrent sounds with diffrent tubes and bias and all that good stuff. So if you got a 5150 with jj's and a 5150 II with rubys's there probly gonna sound diffrent even if they are infact the same amp:loco:

But honestly i have no idea how they compare to eachother. Good luck with that.:heh:
They're really, really, really similar.
Yeah, I know it's really popular here to point out the differences but I played in a band w/ 2 guitarists for years where one guitarist had the I and the other the II. IMO the difference in the player's touch (both very good players) was a lot greater than the difference in the amps.
They both sound fucking awesome.
I am still really happy with my 6505+. I almost sold it in a fit of temporary insanity (thought I wanted a Mesa Triaxis and then decided against it.) I will never sell it!

I have played through regular 6505s and gotten basically the same tone. A change of tubes will make more difference than having the stock tubes and switching heads.
The difference is fairly significant. I've heard 3 different 6505+'s in person, and maybe 2 or so original 6505s and they all had that distinct dissimilarity in the tone. The 6505+ has a more modern, scooped edge to it. It lacks the fullness and warmth of the original head, and this has been consistent across all my experiences with them. I prefer the original.
The difference is fairly significant. I've heard 3 different 6505+'s in person, and maybe 2 or so original 6505s and they all had that distinct dissimilarity in the tone. The 6505+ has a more modern, scooped edge to it. It lacks the fullness and warmth of the original head, and this has been consistent across all my experiences with them. I prefer the original.

Thanks for all the replies guys!!! Egan, I hope the recording process is going well. I'm fiending for that new album!! I still have some amp choices up in the air guys. Regardless I want to pick up a 5150 at some point. Thanks for all your input! I do remember the originals I played sounding a bit warmed, maybe even a bit thicker.
