
Too cheesy. And it was a stupid concept.

SOoOOO much of Warrel's lyrics are cheesy, come on. And it's a rad concept! The idea of sentient machines is very interesting. It can go deep into intelligent metaphorical territory.

Also, MOST of TGE rules. Love it. Title track is insane, too. Never heard anything like it.

EDIT: and that Calvert song kinda sounds like my band! (Or the other way around, probably)
I have started saying rad more often lately, just because I realized I say "awesome" far too much and I needed to mix things up.
Personally, I enjoy breaking out the 80's and 90's slang now and then. I find most folks around my age actually appreciate it. I said "gnarly" to someone the other day and he responded with a hang loose hand gesture and a laugh. Good interaction.
Start a band with Jerry Cantrell. AIC is wrong, now.

Oh come on. It not exactly the same as it was with Staley, but it's not a completely different sound at all.

That would have easily fit between Jar of Flies and Alice in Chains.
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Oh come on. It not exactly the same as it was with Staley, but it's not a completely different sound at all.

The songs are all great, but it's missing the strong lead vocal. It's just Jerry. William has no identity within the mix, he just blends into the background. Meh. Warrel would stick out. It'd destroy.
The songs are all great, but it's missing the strong lead vocal. It's just Jerry. William has no identity within the mix, he just blends into the background. Meh. Warrel would stick out. It'd destroy.

Yeah, I can agree with that, although I honestly can't see Warrel doing anything AIC like and hitting the highs without it sounding like he's straining. What sucks is DuVall actually has a great voice, they just don't implement it enough.

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i'm not a huge alice in chains fan but i do like some of their stuff, and i gotta say those vocals do sound pretty much their style. if anything the actual instrumentation doesn't sound very much their style since the whole song just feels too happy and not gritty and dirty enough. it has kinda that vibe, but it just doesn't feel the same as what i'm used to (which is facelift and dirt, nothing else). to me the vocals sound perfectly like the droning vocal aspect they had, but doesn't have any of the variation in when he'd get into screams and other styles. so overall the song doesn't feel that right/as gritty and the vocals are basically the droning style but don't capture the full essence of everything else he had.

dirt and facelift will always be fucking awesome in my book, but i have pretty much no interest in any of their new stuff. i just highly doubt that they can capture what those 2 albums were and it'd feel like AiC but watered down a bit and that song didn't help my perception anymore. i would like to see them live though if doing the old songs that guy can attain some of the style when he has the chance to. heroin and opiates are fucking bitches and it's a shame how much their abuse fucks people up.
I really do like the songs on the new album, Jerry is one of those guys. Whatever he does has integrity. But William blows. Saw a video of Maynard singing Man In The Box with them, he killed it, so rad. Jerry should do an album with a bunch of different singers and himself singing. Warrel would be a good one, it'd be so different. :dopey:
i have pretty much no interest in any of their new stuff. i just highly doubt that they can capture what those 2 albums were and it'd feel like AiC but watered down a bit and that song didn't help my perception anymore. i would like to see them live though if doing the old songs that guy can attain some of the style when he has the chance to.
Fuck, I hate it when people talk like this. Just listen to it before you decide it sucks based on hearsay. It's a good Alice in Chains album.