SOB, Todesbonden, Gwynbleidd, and Dreaded Silence

A "goof-ass?" Yeah. That's exactly what you should do in this situation... insult me.
Cost of the bundle just dropped to $4.50.
kleo706...what does it mean for you being a fan of something? :) I am really curious about your answer :D...I am absolutely a fan of Shroud of Bereavement and i want to promote them in Romania :D...they make a good job, and in my oppinion this band deserve to be known by Europe...after all, a rescheduling for a show is possible even on the most known bands :D...and with that, i`m sending you my best regards, for not being a fan anymore, it's just your choice... :D
I mentioned the show change a few times yesterday. Once during my news segment, then when I was introducing the song, "And Their Tears Shall Flood The Earth" and again when I read off the block of songs in that set.
Looking forward to Oct 10th, in the mean time, here's a bit something from the Gwynbleidd camp for the uninitiated:

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I should be Worcester-based as of Friday night. If you need a ride, Will, drop me a line. If max needs a ride, he should just use his high-horse.
There was some sort of drunken stumble-fest being discussed last I knew. My place was backup but it came to my attention Max was invited so I withdrew the offer.