SOB, Todesbonden, Gwynbleidd, and Dreaded Silence

The afterparty is going to be EPIC. that's if it's going to happen.. someone needs to step up to the plate :kickass:

Then again, if enough people wanted to chip in, we could just rent a hotel room or two for some neutral territory. The traveling bands could get their rooms semi-paid for that way while insuring a party does take place.

7 days left!!
Best I can come up with is my apartment. It's a tiny 2 bedroom about an hour away. If Max wanted to be cool, he could make his parents host it but nooooo.... again with the lame.
Gee why would I dislike Max? Hmm maybe it's because my Ex used to show me these IMs he sent her which, even by the standards of someone who takes classes on the sexual uses of fire or fisting or pony play just to understand the subjects, were pretty fucked up? Look I *get* being an Internet troll simply because you couldn't afford to pay off your overdue fines and are out of reading material. I *understand* direct connecting to someone promising them vital information about a branch of the service they're joining and instead sending GI Joe episodes (so long as they're SunBow and not DiC) just because even if you do hang out IRL, it will be as a drinking buddy and not a real person. Even by the allegedly fucked up code of online conduct I follow, going after someone's family member because they mocked you on a message board is waaaaay the fuck out of line.
And those of you who automatically took that little shit's side... you disgust me. I refuse to be in the same room as any of you. Forget merch tables. Fuck rides. Screw me providing two or three cases of beer, some handmade pierogies, and a bit of kripka for the Polacks. I get that I'm an intolerable dick online. However, when the chips are down it's me who makes up half the audience at a barely-attended Shroud show. I spent fucking *weeks* trying to convince my girl to host your fucking party! She's 15 minutes from the venue and has enough crash space for all three bands. What thanks do I get? "Oh he's just making up shit with Max because he wanted to rape him and the kid ran off to Philly." Yeah. And you wonder why the fuck I troll people? Who really wants to have some sort of serious connection to a gaggle of backstabbers?
Alright, you gotta be fuckin with me, because none of that shit happened. I talked only to your ex only once or twice I think. If you're serious, I'm pretty sure you're mistaking me with someone else. I didn't even know she posted on any board ever. Anyone who knows me knows that I wouldn't do any shit like that. I jokingly troll people on message boards from time to time, but I've never "gone after someones family member", and I have never trolled anyone on AIM.
Awesome fuckin show all around. Wish I coulda gone to the afterparty, but I was already fairly drunk at the end of the show and I had to get Will and Laura to the bus station.
Note that there were 5 people until I started contributing stories from my time volunteering with the local transsexual community.
Or was it more when I explained there was nothing to worry about because I'm waaaay too lazy to rape somebody?
I had an amazing time, and I really want to thank all of you fuckers for making it so! We must do it again ...hint hint hint (new Jersey show) Will!!!!!!

Sorry I didn't go to the after party, I had a case of beer ready for it. Just figured 4 people would just make me fall asleep, and if I was sleeping, I'd prefer my bed.

Awesome night!