Solos in Skyfire's music


The sky is on fire !!!
May 24, 2003
mevasseret, israel
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You probably all know that Skyfire's music has not guitar solos.

I'm not looking at this as a bad thing because the songs are full of melody and solos couldn't fit in for sure, at least in most of the songs.
What do you think? What's your opinions about this?

I would also like to ask the band:

Why did you decide to give up about the guitar solos? I guess it's because you want the music to be more original, so you write another melody insted of solo? Or i'm wrong?

Would you plan to put solos in future material? Could be interesting !

Thanks !
I think it'd be cool to hear a skyfire solo. Or just something like the faster part in Fragments of Time..I always liked that. But I'm sure no matter what you guys do I'll think it's groovay. :tickled:
Well, i can only speak for myself here but, when it comes to solos in our music i think it would be cool in some songs. But the thing is that when u have listened to petrucci (and have friends like Johan Reinholdz in Andromeda) u dont feel so keen on adding one. By that i dont suggest that we´re bad musicians in anyway. I´m just saying that its hard to pull of some really great solos that would fit in. Maybe in one or two songs on an album. We´ll see. But if we ever are going to use one, i would like it to be really good, not just fast and skillful. Every tune has to fill a purpose. I´ve heard too many solos (with good guitarists) that just doesnt take the song to a higher "dimension". I think a solo has to make the song stronger, not weaker or just make the song longer. And thats hard for us since we already use the melodies for that same purpose. :cool:
well put man..i like melodies more then solos in most cases..its so cool to hear like twin guitar melodies. solos can enhance the song..but if its dragging the song on then its kinda lame :)
I've always thought Skyfires music didnt really need solos...the songs are generally solos through out. Theres always some twisting harmony going through the song, not just in the break section.

Martins this point for Skyfire just to do some solo on their next doesnt make sense and wouldnt really sound would just have to be December Flower caliber :tickled:
You are right... the solo in "December Flower" is pretty fucking amazing...
That same guy, Fredrik Johansson, is also doing a solo on Dimension Zero's MCD and that solo is one of my few favourites aswell... :)
I don't think Skyfire's music is in need of solos. It might be interesting as an experiment, but otherwise I agree with Martin. Skyfire's music is already so bursting with detail and layers that solos honestly don't go amiss.
a good bass line makes so much difference indeed, but i wouldnt say it makes solo's unnecessary. i cant decide whether a solo would suit any existing Skyfire songs or not, but it would def. be interesting to hear *hint* :D
Its still like Martin said do a solo out of no where now would seem a bit out of place. It'd have to be something special, a keyboard/guitar duel would be nifty indeed but its kinda Bodom/Norther'ish and plus theres no set keyboard player in Skyfire so in concerts itd be odd :p
I can't really think of where a solo would fit in an existing song, but it would be cool to hear in the future. But, it's like Martin said, if they do a solo that's not that great, would it be worth having a solo at all? This is of course not to say in any way that Skyfire can't do it, and we all know that if they decided to do a solo it would be great, but that doesn't make it easy. I agree with the guitar/keyboard duel thing, that would be pretty cool since the music so heavily uses both of them anyway.
I think a good solo can make a perfect climax in a song. Take Dissection for example... the solo in Where Dead Angels Lie is perfect ( to me ) and it is only a few notes. It is more of a variation of the main melody. As most people said though, it would be hard to fit a solo into Skyfire's music. I don't want to sound like a jerk but i thought that little solo in the beginning of Uncloud the Sky was not needed, but it caught me by suprise :cool:
I tried to play Uncloud the Sky at school once, and the person nearest to me kept making me reply that little scale. Class ended before the song got very far.

This is a little off topic and refers to a post that kind of up there now, but last night I had a dream that Yngwie Malmsteen said something about how great it is to be considered a good guitarist by Martin Hanner.
JesteR-7 said:
I don't miss any solos in skyfire music. IMO the whole songs are kinda solo :D