some appreciation.

Thanks bro! This is just a great forum filled with lots of interesting people and well moderated. I've got Too Young to Fall In Love blasting in your honor and a cool one in my hand. Also, here's to all the newcomers like myself that keep posting away for everyone to join in. You know who you are! Cheerz!!:kickass::headbang::D
Yeah about time some new blood come and post, the old ones can't keep this place forever :D. Damn I miss a lot of the old gang, but I'm glad many new regulars post intelligent, interesting threads and discussions (I'm not saying these just because Rob in one of my best friends :lol: )
I've got Too Young to Fall In Love blasting in your honor and a cool one in my hand.

I don't know if I'm one of the new guys you mean, but I've got to say I like this forum... it may be slower paced than a lot of places but the people here really know their stuff and express themselves in an articulate way... some intelligent debate makes a nice change :lol:
I think Sixxx refers to you and many other new regulars that have brought new life and good intelligent debate to our little island in a sea of metal madness.

When I joint Sixx and JD were kind like the official bouncers, they treat you kind of rough. If you prove worthy you survived in the forum or you quickly get the boot :lol: We didn't have a proper moderator at the time, Hawk came later an wrote the wornderful rules that make this one of the best forums I have seen in my cyberlife.

Many have gone forever (sadly), some show from time to time and some have returned after a hiatus. But regulars will always be regulars, time on the board is not as important as how much you contribute with your posts. I think Sixx was trying to thanks those of you all that have accomplished the latter (and so I do).
Many have gone forever (sadly), some show from time to time and some have returned after a hiatus. But regulars will always be regulars, time on the board is not as important as how much you contribute with your posts. I think Sixx was trying to thanks those of you all that have accomplished the latter (and so I do).

Yeah I like how this particular is fan friendly, people friendly and internet bully free...debate is good, have an opinion, but be respectful. I mean you wouldn't walk up to someone at the grocery store or market and punch them in the face for buy a Rolling Stone magazine because you read Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles would you?! If you would then you don't belong here....
Yeah I like how this particular is fan friendly, people friendly and internet bully free...debate is good, have an opinion, but be respectful. I mean you wouldn't walk up to someone at the grocery store or market and punch them in the face for buy a Rolling Stone magazine because you read Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles would you?! If you would then you don't belong here....

Great analogy to summarize what UMOS is about, thanks Ruben :kickass:
Its a great little forum and Sixx has summed it up well. I'd like to post more but I always find myself short of time for the simple things like sitting down with a CD and giving it a damn good listening! :)
Sixx, you are a class act !! Yes I do appreciate some of the newer posters chiming in and bringing this place to life. With a four-year-old and a five-month-old, I really don't post like I used to. It won't be that way forever mind you, but I have to put family first. It is great to see new faces here and an active forum because, though I post to five forums, this one I consider my home base and it means a great deal to me.
Thanks to all the newer guys for coming in here and making this place your home. Us old timers can now start back repeating old stuff because we ran out of new. Ha ha ha

Yes, nice to have a forum that doesn't crumble into flame wars after 2 posts.
Yes, nice to have a forum that doesn't crumble into flame wars after 2 posts.

No we need at least 3 posts before going to Def Con 1 :lol:.

Now seriously, I have to be thankful with all regulars and most non-regulars for accepting the rules and keep the place civilized, not only makes this place a nice cyberhome but also makes my duties easier :saint:

Now I'm only worried we haven't a Metallica bashing thread in quite a long time :heh: