Some Belladonna stuff (sludge, metallum maximus aeturnes)

OfficerNice said:
Nevermore and Sanctuary haven't.

Nice try Mr. Warrell Dane. Why should Sanctuary re-release their old stuff? They only had two albums! It's not really a similar situation to what Anthrax have and that is: several albums with one singer then a change of vocalist and they decide to re-record their earlier stuff because it would just sound killer with the new singer - kinda like Iced Earth did with "Days of Purgatory".
As far as my vast knowledge of metal goes, I don't think that the Nevermore/Sanctuary situation applies to Anthrax Belladonna/Bush situation since the former are two different bands while Anthrax has kept the same core.
Plus Shania is 100% Canadian too. God I love being Canadian! She makes me want to put on a cowboy hat, lasso her and ride her like there's no tomorrow.... dang!
max said:
holey moley everyone look at this pic! i think she's a milf too ;-)

she def. has a sexy voice...
do u like her music?
You mean this picture?

johnnieCzech said:
God were they! Plus, all lesbians and live they sucked cock. Yeah, I mean it. They did this "golden condom" contest when they played in Prague. Threw a rubber and the guy who caught it (I happened to know him just by sights, a concertgoer dude) got a BJ in the backstage.
same in Holland , you could get just anything you want from these bitches, they even had fistfuckin up the ass on stage, they made it on every tv channel in Holland!
There was also a an ameriacn versiopn , they were called Genotouteris or something like that, this was the nice lookin version, heard some x-Overkill member played with them, they had this real cool lookin SM live act with nipple piercing, believe it or not , I was there (Lowlands festival , early 90's, and I wasn't hiding a bottle of heineken in my Adidas track pants!!!:loco:
dutchy said:
same in Holland , you could get just anything you want from these bitches, they even had fistfuckin up the ass on stage, they made it on every tv channel in Holland!
There was also a an ameriacn versiopn , they were called Genotouteris or something like that, this was the nice lookin version, heard some x-Overkill member played with them, they had this real cool lookin SM live act with nipple piercing, believe it or not , I was there (Lowlands festival , early 90's, and I wasn't hiding a bottle of heineken in my Adidas track pants!!!:loco:
This group was called Genitortures and they had ex-Morbid Angel bassist I believe. Musically it sucked ass, didn't it.
mentalmeltdown said:
Plus Shania is 100% Canadian too. God I love being Canadian! She makes me want to put on a cowboy hat, lasso her and ride her like there's no tomorrow.... dang!

I'm not Canadian, but she makes me want to do that as well! :muahaha:

dutchy said:
danm right skippy!!!and his name was Dave Vincent!!European brothers gonna work it out!!!
Yeah and the singer chick was his wife. Therefore, he was pussywhipped enough to quit Morbid Angel and join her lady's band, so that she could control him whenever she was on tour!
i never knew why he actually quit MA - anyone know???

i really loved his singing style and i really can't stand that new guy they have steve tucker or whatever. domination is such a cool record.

now dave looks totally like a different person- he now wears make up and pvc if i remember rightly (looks like the guy from 'the cure'!) he dyed his his black and cut it shorter. something deep must have happened to him for him to change like that. maybe it was his wife who brainwashed him, who knows...