Some CoB questions...

I'm not religious. I don't support it. But shit man. If you like the music, why would you parents care? It could be so much worse. You could be some dirty wigger who spends $70 on brand name shirts and drives around listening to rap music. My parents are religious however, yet it doesn't bother them that I listen to this stuff. It's grown on them and they've learned the complexity of what i'm listening to. I suggest you slowly merge into the metal scene. Start out with some cheesy-lyrical metal, like Stratovarious or Rhapsody. Listen to CoB on your cd-player, or get mp3. Hide it for awhile, and let the good songs out. They will grow on it and accept who you are. Good luck. Religion is not a barrier for music. Satanic lyrics or not.
ND24/7 said:
But why stopping yourself from enjoying kick-ass music and helping CoB making killer albums by buying their stuff only cause of a non-conform word or t-shirt? I just don't get this point of throwing the booklet away and closing your eyes on something that MAY change your mind... Non sense principle to me. That way ; you block yourself from evolving in thoughts only cause of narrow-minded beliefs. I don't say : listening to CoB lyrics = being a son a satan..not at all. Cause the lyrics are not that satanic...just expressed with dark feelings. Like we all do sometimes...

man was born as a sinner...that is his nature...Jesus died on the cross and all the sins of the world were placed on Him in order to save us...therefore we must do whatever it takes to follow Him, and let people know about Him. you block out the bad stuff so you won't be tempted by Satan, who wants you very badly to turn away from God. and if he gets any form of a foothold in your life, then you are living in sin. that is why it is important to block out is not being narrow-minded, it is being smart, and understanding the nature of man. You block out what you can in the world, and the stuff you can't you confront with boldness and the truth. things like blocking Satanic stuff is one less thing you have to confront. i.e.: you can stay away from drugs and satanic stuff for the most part. but what if you are a girl, and your boss makes sexual advances toward you? that is something you have to confront, with the power of the Holy Spirit.

so no, it is not "narrow-minded", to block things. that is like saying it is narrow minded to block your kid from certain things like rated R movies and pop are helping to insure that they don't fall into things of this world. eventually they have to make a choice on their own, but if they know that it is wrong, and they are taught correctly when they are young, then they have a better chance of choosing the right thing.

they are such things as absolutes, and truths...there should be not evolving, because there are absolutes. moral absolutes. if you don't believe in absolutes, then you will never be satisfied with any kind of existential or other philosophy. it is the moral absolutes and the Bible that is the truth, and what you can apply to your life everyday. that is what the USA was founded on, and we are slowly departing from that. we are on the course for an authoritarian state, becuase everybody wants do what they think is right, and it will only end up in total confusion and it will eventually end up being one person that rules. the only thing that can save people is Jesus and living according to His WIll and His Holy Word, where there are the absolutes that people need in there lives. people even that aren't Christians realize that we need absolutes because they know that is the truth. when people are missing those things that is why they try to fill their void of dissatisfaction with things like drugs and alcahol as to "solve their problems."

sorry for the long post, but i get excited when i have a chance to speak the truth. P.S. ( i will probably get slammed for this because people do that when they know they are wrong..if you disagree prove me wrong at least and not namecall) as a christian you will get persecuted, but your reward is great for persevering...spending eternity in heaven. it is the road less traveled and it is harder, but you have God with you to pray to and to help every step of the way. Praise the Lord.. btw...the fourth part of seek and destroy solo, is ridiculously fast...i can play the first three parts then he goes crazy...has anybody played this? peace :Spin:
All that coming from a man who has possibly the biggest alcoholic in metal (zakk) in his name, a picture of sinergy in his signature and has a Pun involving a WASP song, which does incidently stand for "We Are Sexual Perverts".

Dude, look man, you can tell us we're all going to hell cause we listen to metal, but so do you so you're in the same boat as us bro.

Dude, how can you call the bible truth? how do you know. Man, it was written thousands of years after all the other holy books. What makes this so special?
The bible is not the only holy book you know? thousands of the Jews, Hindus, and even the satanists have a book by which they live their lives? you guys aren't all high and mighty, you're only 2004 years old, the jews have several times that in history.

Another question is.

How do you know that god doesn't enjoy things?

Does it say in the bible that Listening to HEavy metal is evil? That getting porn of the internet is a sin? that playing shred guitar till your fingers bleed behind a vocalist that is screaming his ass off makes you a wretched spawn of satan.

No dude, Face it, the bible is out of date, how do you know god frowns down on the new inventions?

Hiding from stuff does not make you stronger. Confronting it makes you stronger. And if you want to listen to heavy metal then you listen to heavy metal.

Second of all, this jesus dying for our sins crap, man.. that was 2004 years ago where to worst crimes that happened were some poor bastard stealing a loaf of bread. jesus died for all my bread stealing crimes bro, aint that just a kick in the face.

Lastly dude.

Just cause you're christian doesn't make you right. Now i am saying you're entitled to your beliefs and believe whatever the hell you want. I am however saying that cause you read the worlds largest fairytale doesn't make you the world authority on how we are evil.

I read a guitar book the other day. Am i now the worlds best guitarist?
I agree with you on the bible part, man. It's not factual, it's open to interpretation. Imo, it's more concerned with morale and ethics than the actual stuff in there like sodom & gomora. We have other evils than 2004 years ago. The book is actually quite nice a book and is meant to make you think about life, and that's good I think. But to live by every fuckin'syllable goes too far. People's interpretation of their religion is the #1 cause of war, not the religion itself. I'm an athaeist, but I can believe that there was some well-mouthed dude they called Jesus and all, but it's just a story. It's the morale that counts.
man was born as a sinner...that is his nature...Jesus died on the cross and all the sins of the world were placed on Him in order to save us...therefore we must do whatever it takes to follow Him, and let people know about Him

What the hell? Him is a crappy band! :D
Oh, I forgot.

About Christianism...

zakk wylde child laiho said:
you block out the bad stuff so you won't be tempted by Satan, who wants you very badly to turn away from God. and if he gets any form of a foothold in your life, then you are living in sin. that is why it is important to block out is not being narrow-minded, it is being smart, and understanding the nature of man. You block out what you can in the world, and the stuff you can't you confront with boldness and the truth. things like blocking Satanic stuff is one less thing you have to confront. i.e.: you can stay away from drugs and satanic stuff for the most part. but what if you are a girl, and your boss makes sexual advances toward you? that is something you have to confront, with the power of the Holy Spirit.

I was just asking why bein' afraid of fictionnal lyrics and a t-shirt...
But now you're just gettin with the christian propagandha : CoB is not a temptation of Satan. The truth is that they're a not trying to fill your head with things that will confuse you.

Another point ; I think it's very weak to avoid things like that. It's like saying : "stay away from that and that...cause you'll like it... AND you CAN'T like it cause you know..hmm WE are the only one who can teach things..WE know what's goin' on..WE are true." I just think everyone should be able to make his own judgement..especially at 16 y'o talking about music.
:Puke: religion...isn't that what all the wars and shit are about? :Puke:

I believe in Armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm enbodyment of Antichrist
I'm living for my own demise

Thank you! :rock:
CoB is a religion in it's own right! Non-believers should not be shunned but helped.. We should direct them to the light! Show them the path in which they should follow.. WHO IS WITH ME!!! :worship:
sigh... poor kid. he just came on here to ask a simple question, and it turned into this, haha. the religion debate is retarted, i have had the same old debate forever, and there is NO winner to that debate. christians like metal too, that doesnt mean that all we can listen to is extol...
music doesnt effect me, i like good music, and it just so happens to be metal :lol: but i guess when i was young, i just told my parents that the music didnt effect me. well i guess it hasnt yet...however, it has influenced me to love long hair, tattoos, beer, and the occasional loud scream in public places. but besides that, i am the same. :lol:
Yeah, drag this religion bullshit elsewhere...the only praising done on this forum is toward Alexi and the rest of the original poster (if he ever comes here again) all I have to say is get some sack and dont let your parents have you whipped for the rest of your young life.
i love zakk wylde and alexi's guitar playing not their drinking! haha...btw you can apply everything in the Bible to the present day...things like love your neighbor as yourself never go out of date....and Jesus was not just a "good man" he either was the Son of God, or he was a filthy liar...he claimed to be God, so either He was God or a liar... severything in history points to him resurrecting from the dead, and after that his disciples formed the early you think the christianity and the Bibles we have today, just survived all these years for a lie?? it is the truth...btw it is natural for non-christians to bash christians it is their sinful human nature.
zakk wylde child laiho said:
He was God or a liar... severything in history points to him resurrecting from the dead, and after that his disciples formed the early you think the christianity and the Bibles we have today, just survived all these years for a lie?? it is the truth...btw it is natural for non-christians to bash christians it is their sinful human nature.

I was just trying to understand if you were a Christian by choice or not, by telling us how did the book really helped you in your life etc......and you look like a sheep. Your main argument is about how OLD is the book. Many people claimed to be the son of some God...and they would be the absolute truth if everybody believed him like sheeps for x years? Definetly my last post on this one...sorry I just had to.
Mmmm... Let's make a religion, let's say for instance... err... asdfism.

Once upon a nice god who was called ASDF, he wrote a holy book and sent it to me via IRC. I'M THE SON OF ASDF! I HAVE THE HOLY TXT! Prove ASDF Almighty doesn't exist and I'll give you a cookie.

Oh, by the way, you are all sinners.
zakk wylde child laiho said:
do you think the christianity and the Bibles we have today, just survived all these years for a lie?? it is the truth...


btw it is natural for non-christians to bash christians it is their sinful human nature.

First Point:

Dude, How old are the Jewish/Hindu Holy books? Much older. Becuase they have survived so long does that mean they are the truth too?
Cause going by your logic thats what you're saying, if the holy book as survived so long it must be true...

so if Chrsitianity/Judaism/Hinduism+ Others are all true then that leaves us in a bit of a pickle.

Also, you have to ifnore the evidence that we evolved from unicellular organisms.

2nd Point:

No, I dont think i'm sinful for pointing out "the bible is a load of Bunkum"