Some comments about round 1


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Pagan Altar 5 - Drudkh - 23

For the record, I didn't vote for either. :Smug: It was too difficult since I like them both pretty equally and have all of their albums. Just curious, but for all those that voted Drudkh, which of you have heard both the Pagan Altar albums? If you haven't heard the band, why cast a vote? Just abstain and make the results more honest.

Also, 11 of you have heard Scald's "Will of the Gods is Great Power"? Hmmm, I have my doubts. Again, I abstained from voting.

The fact that Anthrax garnered 8 votes is pretty suprising, considering they were up against Agalloch. And likewise:

Megadeth 25 - Vader 5
Queensryche 16 - Astrofaes 12

I'm not surprised at these results -- rather 5 people voted against RiP, and 12 people voted against Operation Mindcrime with some pretty generic albums (at least by comparison). Fucking hell, in this day and age of downloading, people seem to be really ill informed. :loco:

Any early predictions from anyone? I'm wondering whether people are truly voting for the albums, and not the bands. If we end up with Enslaved, Burzum, Bathory, and Agalloch in the final four again, I call this tournament null and void. :tickled:

Yeah, I missed that Slayer result. Good spot. I suppose it's not the end result that intrigues me, it's the reasoning behind the vote. I know I'm alone on this because other people "just look at the two bands and pick in a nano-second". Not me, I really think about it, and I even took a day to collect my thoughts for this round. :lol:

But seriously, what the fuck is the logic behing Samael's "Passage" being picked over "Reign in Blood"? I gotta hear the thought behind those 6 votes.... geez. :tickled:
A landmark death metal album like Necroticism getting beat by some gayboard infested "metal" tripe like Goat Horns is shameful.
Stratovarius didn't have a chance, but that doesn't negate the fact that we have way too many Enslaved fanbois on this forum. There are probably 3 albums in that list that could beat Enslaved on this board (in this tournament), and surprise surprise, they belong to Bathory, Agalloch, and Burzum......
JayKeeley said:
But seriously, what the fuck is the logic behing Samael's "Passage" being picked over "Reign in Blood"? I gotta hear the thought behind those 6 votes.... geez. :tickled:
perhaps those 6 people find passage to be a more enjoyable listen, and gave it the nod regardless of historical importance or which album is more influential.
JayKeeley said:
Pagan Altar 5 - Drudkh - 23

For the record, I didn't vote for either. :Smug: It was too difficult since I like them both pretty equally and have all of their albums. Just curious, but for all those that voted Drudkh, which of you have heard both the Pagan Altar albums? If you haven't heard the band, why cast a vote? Just abstain and make the results more honest.

Ditto. Wtf. I didn;t vote either.
JayKeeley said:
But seriously, what the fuck is the logic behing Samael's "Passage" being picked over "Reign in Blood"? I gotta hear the thought behind those 6 votes.... geez. :tickled:

I've heard both. Reign in Blood is the single most overrated piece of shit ever laid to plastic. Passage is slighty better than average.
JayKeeley said:
Pagan Altar 5 - Drudkh - 23

For the record, I didn't vote for either. :Smug: It was too difficult since I like them both pretty equally and have all of their albums. Just curious, but for all those that voted Drudkh, which of you have heard both the Pagan Altar albums? If you haven't heard the band, why cast a vote? Just abstain and make the results more honest.

Quite frankly, if it'd been against Lords of Hypocrisy, it'd have been a much harder choice, but at the moment, Volume 1 just doesn't do a great deal for me, even after giving it ample opportunity.
Erik said:
I only wonder which album Reign in Blood will be up against in the finals :loco:

Seriously though, that didn't win by such a huge margin as I would have thought. It might not make the finals after all, people here are pretty eclectic after all.

I suppose you might put my tastes in the eclectic group, but I guarantee there is no album that should beat out Reign in Blood.
This tournament better end up as Ride the Lightning v. Reign in Blood.

If it dun do, I shall be proud. If it dun't, forsaken thee shall be.
Anyone who votes against "Operation: Mindcrime" is a moron. It's darker and more intense than all the silly black metal and cvlt nazi/odinist crust-metal that's praised by the denizens of this discussion forum.
with all the Mastodon talk here ... I am surprised that Dark Angel beat them out.
don't get me wrong, I am happy as fuck though :lol:

and Obituary beat Pantera :headbang:
Ellestin said:
Erm... I'd like to draw your attention on the "Panopticon" vs. "Tales from the Thousand Lakes" line. How could THIS happen, please? :OMG:
I didn't even bother commenting on that because it was so ludicrous that I assumed it was some grand mistake in the voters, like their DNA was not wired correctly at birth.

Seriously, Amorphis are fucking BORING you mongs. :dopey:
How in holy hell are Isis not metal?! :lol:

More importantly, how is something like Tuonela even related to metal? That album is like Adulted Oriented Rock with cleaner sounding production.

EDIT: hahaha "adulteD." I'll admit, I don't even know what AOR stands for, I just know what it is. :Spin: