Some Doom metal realizations......

snow2fall said:
I was quite disappointed when I first heard it. A Murderous Circus lacks the intensity of the previous albums. It gets better after a few listens, but it's still nowhere near as good as Dust or The Sullen Sulcus.

Did any of them have intensity? I moderately enjoy them but something never clicked with me. I hesitate to call them boring but they could never keep my attention.
snow2fall said:
No point in know-it-all discussions about genre definitions.

You can listen to some KotC demos at: They used to have more up at, but it seems they're all gone.

Thanks for the link, I wouldn't be surprised if the finished project turns out as good as Morgion were. I agree with J. on about half of his points, though the Katatonia debut is more than just decent IMO.
Another recommendation: I'm sure some of you know Yob, has a track from their new one called Quantum Mystic as mp3 of the day and it destroys.
Ayeka said:
I thought genre naming was stupid? :confused:
It's the arguing over it that makes it stupid. When some kid gets crucified for calling Cradle of Filth black metal, that's idiotic. That's like someone saying "hey this bread tastes like it has honey in it" and some dude coming up to him, slapping him senseless, and yelling "THERE IS NO HONEY IN THAT BREAD YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING MORON AND YOU SHOULD BE FORCED TO TRADE IN ALL YOUR CDS FOR NSYNC YOU IDIOT." That's lame.

Like me calling Isis metal and Judas Priest butt rock, that's what it sounds like to me, therefore that's what it be.
dill_the_devil said:
Anyone heard Witchcraft yet? Trad doom, all recorded on 60s/70s analogue equipment, sounds like a lost Black Sabbath release or something. Well worth checking out.


Interviewing them next week.
I've pretty much always avoided Doom because it sounds like it'll be pure ass. What little I've heard is boring as feck, but maybe I just need to hear something good.

Mourning Beloveth sounds interesting, though. It needs to be emotional, atmospheric and basically have something interesting going, ala Agalloch. Slow-paced heavy riffs aren't very interesting in and of themselves, so I don't want to hear anything like Lamented Souls - Var. Crap.
Opeth17 said:
I've pretty much always avoided Doom because it sounds like it'll be pure ass. What little I've heard is boring as feck, but maybe I just need to hear something good.

Mourning Beloveth sounds interesting, though. It needs to be emotional, atmospheric and basically have something interesting going, ala Agalloch. Slow-paced heavy riffs aren't very interesting in and of themselves, so I don't want to hear anything like Lamented Souls - Var. Crap.
Fine. You start with these:

Anathema "The Silent Enigma", "Pentecost ]|["
Saturnus "Paradise Belongs to You"

These are some awesome recommendations that fulfill your criteria although they're sometimes only on the outskirts of doom -- but do yourself a favour and fucking get them.
The only thing even vaguely doom-related I like at the moment is Blut Aus Nord's later stuff. But I have to emphasize that I like that stuff A LOT. If there's any 'doom' out there that sounds anything like their industrial work, I'm all for it.