Oh my god you fuckers, you made me dream about Kristin Kreuk last night! Hahahaha, god damnit!!!! It hurts so much that the dream is over... I feel like I've been dumped or something, damn you!
The dream was basically... I was going out with some friends, but we were kinda younger than now for some odd reason. We went to some club and sat in something that seemed like a fucking movie saloon... in a club! Well, dreams can be weird soooo... anyway, so there were a lot of rows of cinema-type chairs and we were sitting there, but there was no movie. There was some guy at the front, sort of like he was preaching something... in the fucking night club. Anyway, so all of a sudden, we got bored and started talking to each other instead of listening to him, and all of a sudden, a girl I knew when I was like 10-12 years old (more about this on the bottom of the post) was 2 rows in front of me, and she turned around and we started talking, but in the looks, it was Kristin

Incredibly weird, since the person was still that girl I knew, but she looked exactly like Kristin, I mean it WAS her in the appearance.
Then she appeared right next to me and we talked a bit more and all of a sudden she gave me a hug and it lasted for sooooooooooooooooo long, like probably 2 minutes if it was in real life. Meanwhile, she was telling me how I was the perfect boyfriend material but she already had some guy that was going to propose to her and marry her and move to Iraq or Iran with her. She told me everything they planned, and everything that guy had promised, like "I will hire servants for you, I will treat you like a princess" and stuff. He seemed to be like some Iraqi prince or something, some kind of royal background. And then, right after the hug ended she told me that she and her husband-to-be should not be held responsible for terrorist suicidal attacks... I was like ¯\(

After that, she disappeared and all of a sudden I was sitting at a white table (which I seem to recall from my childhood OR it could be the table me and a friend bought purely to have something to sit around while getting drunk in my previous rehearsal place), and guards came, still in the club, and wanted to arrest me because I had screws in my pocket and I might stab someone with them. The rest is just boring so fuck that...
Pretty weird dream huh! But daaaamn, I hate these dreams. They end and leave a fucking gap in your chest =/
About that girl from when I was 10 years younger, she was like the first girlfriend material that I had going

I got to be friends with her and walked her home and stuff but I blew it because she didn't want me to continue hanging out with one of the bad boys in school, but I didn't listen to her and I kept doing it so she refused to talk to me when she found out, and since then, we've gone separate ways. A few years after that though, I noticed her and that bad boy were really good friends while I was no longer hanging with any of 'em. Hah.... I need a drink but it's too early.
Alright, so no more Kristin or I'm gonna have more of these fucking dreams!