some good doom songs

derbeder said:
Khanate - Dead (from Things Viral)
I disagree, I have been listening to that this morning imo and I had to turn it off due to overall horrible song structure and the vocals are irritating as well as the lyrics, also i would categorize this as drone.
metal_wrath said:
I disagree, I have been listening to that this morning imo and I had to turn it off due to overall horrible song structure and the vocals are irritating as well as the lyrics, also i would categorize this as drone.

well, the desription of the sound of the band in their page goes: " The sounds can probably be described as the next step down the mentally unstable ladder from BURNING WITCH. Ultra gravitational hellish brooding black doom metal with inhuman vocal constructs. Well, something like that......"

they have enough differences from other bands not to really belong to any genre, really. but they are more than close enough to doom. i can't listen to khanate all that often to be honest, but the same thing applies to thergothon or esoteric, too. and the weird vocals are used to great effect at times.
metal_wrath said:
I disagree, I have been listening to that this morning imo and I had to turn it off due to overall horrible song structure and the vocals are irritating as well as the lyrics, also i would categorize this as drone.

so youre saying drone has nothing to do with doom then?

:Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug:
Actually, considering the wide range of styles that can be covered in the doom genre, I think it would be necessary to differentiate between the two subgenres due to the obvious musical differences.
NineFeetUnderground said:
lulz, ur pretty much the d00mz expert. imoflmao


so anyways..

their first album does have plenty doom elements. and no I'm not an expert but it doesnt take one to notice this.