some recent observations...


I rule at everything
Oct 28, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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Now I'm not usually one to bother about commenting on the state of the board or anything (because I'm not really an active participant) but I just visited after a few days and it seems that every time I do it just keeps sliding down hill. Nearly all the threads on the first page are in some way bitching about Nevermore or Jeff or the production or blah blah blah.

Which leads me to this quandary... is it possible for the members of this board to *not* whinge about something. You bitched and moaned about not having any new material and hence nothing to talk about. You got new material. You bitched and moaned because it isn't what you wanted it to be. Now I realise that I am making a mass generalisation of the members of this board but honestly I can see some foundation in Jeff's now infamous comments about this board. And while I'm still on my high horse, why is everybody taking that so personally? I laughed when I read it and didn't think much of it but everybody seems to be taking huge offence now and consequently writing Jeff off as a guitarist (after all, he can only shred now) and as a person (becuase he is automatically such an arrogant arsehole cuntface because he expressed his dismay at the state of the official Nevermore fan message board).

Meh. I really don't care. If you want to attack me with your scathing internet lingo then be my guest. Flaming never phases me because I think communicating via Internet is almost inherently stupid.
PiNkMaGGiT said:
Now I'm not usually one to bother about commenting on the state of the board or anything (because I'm not really an active participant) but I just visited after a few days and it seems that every time I do it just keeps sliding down hill. Nearly all the threads on the first page are in some way bitching about Nevermore or Jeff or the production or blah blah blah.

Which leads me to this quandary... is it possible for the members of this board to *not* whinge about something. You bitched and moaned about not having any new material and hence nothing to talk about. You got new material. You bitched and moaned because it isn't what you wanted it to be. Now I realise that I am making a mass generalisation of the members of this board but honestly I can see some foundation in Jeff's now infamous comments about this board. And while I'm still on my high horse, why is everybody taking that so personally? I laughed when I read it and didn't think much of it but everybody seems to be taking huge offence now and consequently writing Jeff off as a guitarist (after all, he can only shred now) and as a person (becuase he is automatically such an arrogant arsehole cuntface because he expressed his dismay at the state of the official Nevermore fan message board).

Meh. I really don't care. If you want to attack me with your scathing internet lingo then be my guest. Flaming never phases me because I think communicating via Internet is almost inherently stupid.

"Bleeding hearts and soiled minds/ Reflect the state of our being" --can apply to the board as well as whatever WD (i think society) is talking about.

i love the new album. best they ever did. the greatness of the songs makes the production a non-issue. never met jeff so i've got nothing to say about him personally, but as long as he makes those fantastic songs i don't give a crap about what kind of a person he is or what he says, whether it's something good or bad. most people are fickle and extremely stupid, nevermore fans in particular, so i'm sure jeff doesn't really care what's said on this board, except for the fact that it might reflect poorly on the band. but then, they're not trying to appeal to intellectuals or other, similar types. so it doesn't matter.

"Meh. I really don't care. If you want to attack me with your scathing internet lingo then be my guest. "

ur stupid and like it up the ass. your a street urchant [yes i made sure to spell that completely incorrectly] and eat shit. u suk cock like nobodies biznes and eat turds for brekfast. fucky ou!

"...I think communicating via Internet is almost inherently stupid"

which is weird in the sense that technology is supposed to make people smarter. after all, this is the information superhighway. i'm glad we're putting it to good use.
"Flaming never phases me because I think communicating via Internet is almost inherently stupid."

So....what would that make you? The WOBBLING TERROR SAYS "YOUSA IDIOT!!" j/k :grin: But anyway, I agree with you on everything else. I also wish people would stop complaining. It's just getting monotonous.
some recent observations.... sum up in the following: after I took a distance from all this, I somehow started noticing that the place sucks as twice as it used to...:goggly: :lol: and the thing is that nobody gives a shit about us, the members of the band think we're here for .... what?! that we're jerks.... they totally appreciate our support.... now I APPRECIATE THAT.... won't go to the concerts as I'm not needed there.... and so on and so on... :D
ha ha... It's all a big laugh...

I got it all out of my system when dead heart came out. I'm a Dreaming neon black and previous albums fan... I've always had huge respect for Van's drumming, WD's vocals and his professionalizm, and back in the day Jeff could write one MEAN song after another...

THings change, so get over it i figure... I have bigger things to concern myself with over wether or not Jeff perms his hair or not :lol:
This board is a microcosm of reality, PM and friends. Take a look around and you'll see that the news is full of whining and shock-value. The newspaper is worse. You never hear, "wow, what a wonderful day it was, today. Everything was perfect and people were just plain NICE." It's always, "xyz is a moron."

The internet is a tool that got sold by AOL as a toy. It's the only place where you can find just about anything you can ask for and around 80% of the bandwidth goes to porn...

Personally, I found the board more stimulating, conversation wise, prior to the album's release. I'm not complaining, as I really haven't had the time to mess with the board much.

Don't worry. Won't flame. I can't sp33k d00d very well.
Speaking for myself, I could not care less if the band makes fun of people on the message boards or anywhere else for that matter.
I love the music and the band has always been nice to me when I have been around them.
I can find humour in any situation and often point things out in life that people may not notice such as what Jeff said. Doesn't mean I hate them, just means they talk about stupid shit.
Often I find myself making comments like this about friends and family, the more familiar I am with something the more I can see it's good points and bad points.
I will say I am getting tired of the " EOR production sucks " threads. I think we can all agree, the production is not as good as it could have been. If you would like to voice your opinion on that, it's fine thats why the board is here, BUT keep it two one or two threads. Not a new thread everyday from different people.
AND just to throw this in, some of the stuff people on the board listen to other than Nevermore have production values that are much much worse.
Just relax and enjoy....
Maggit! You rocked for saying what really needed (and has been) said!
Trust an Australian to say it how it is! :kickass:
I's have pretty much stopped coming to this board because of the attitude of some members who think that they are owed the world just because they listen to Nevermore (but this is limited to this board, many other boards have similar attitudes) whilst everyone else general feel it wise not to say anything in fear of making it worse or being flamed themselves.
Maybe the person was right when the said: "In the beginning of the internet, it was smart people in front of dumb computers. Now it's dumb people in front of smart computers".
Let Jeff have his opinions and leave it be. The Pimp knows for a fact that ya'll would be miserible if he ever left the band and bitch and moan even more.
Comtemplate this lesson well.
The Pimp NeonBlack