Someoe got stuff from Nosturi Gigs ??

Greg Moore

Bastard of Bodom
Oct 20, 2005
Any finnish fucker, has the setlist, pics or any other infos about the Nosturi Gigs. Would be interesting. I only know, that they played Punch me I bleed.
Was somebody there and can tell about it ??
I was there at the first show, and it was awesome, great performance, good setlist and the crowd seemed to be really into it. Follow the Reaper live was a dream come true, and almost all of the solos was nailed note-to-note perfect. They sure are not getting slobby musicians. Laihos vocals was way better and harsher than the last 4 times I've seen them.

The setlist was (problaby not in correct order):

Living Dead beat
Hate Me!
Silent Night
In Your Face
Angels Dont Kill
Needled 24/7
Lake Bodom
Follow the Reaper
[Laiho vs Warman solo battle] (best one in a long time)
We're Not Gonna Fall
Hatecrew Deathroll
Punch Me I Bleed
(screaming guitars)
Are You Dead Yet?


[Roope guitar solo]
Everytime I Die
put children of bodom in and take out are you dead and we're not gunna fall and put in warheart and kissing the shadows and that setlist would be perfect.