Someone please answer me this...


Elite Metalhead
Apr 7, 2003
I am trying to decipher some of in flames' lyrics and meanings behind them. My girl seems to think they are demonic or something. does anyone know if that is true? she says the jesters "masque" (that appears on a lot of the booklets) looks like the head of satan. now she's all freaked & thinks that i listen to satanic music. is she right? what do their lyrics/drawings/song titles mean? thanks for any help provided!
I believe the jester race describes a dystopia, but I dont think any of IF's lyrics are really diabolical, rather theyre criticizing the society
DaJester said:
she says the jesters "masque" (that appears on a lot of the booklets) looks like the head of satan.

one might wonder how come your girlfriend is familiar with the actual head of satan...

i suppose it's no use trying to explain to her that there is a reason why the devil is depicted having horns, and why a jester's cap also has horn-like pointy things. on the contrary, the fact that there is a connection between the two figures would likely freak her out even more. so yes, dump her: ignorance is never an excuse.

In Flames lyrics are definatley not satanic. just read the booklet.

let her listen to some real satanic music and imagery and show her the difference.
tell her to think before she speaks and not assume that the band is satanic by their fucking logo.
I mean seriously it's wasted time for you to try to figure out the song meaning (which are rather simple sometimes anyway) when your gf thinks that the logo is satanic. I mean...fuck. I don't mean to offend you but she should do background work on things even if they aren't positive in her opinion.
Buuut since I'm a lyrics freak anyway I'll look up songs that you could show the lyrics of to your girlfriend...don't think I've listened to In Flames enough to say the meanings to some songs.
HAHA,actually you should put the lyrics to Scorn in front of her,play it and tell her that that might be the future (..since I marked her out from my tower ;)) unless she gets her head straight.
Other good songs to play her would be Bullet Ride,Satellites And Astronauts,Square Nothing,Colony,Coerced Coexistence :headbang:
Show her the picture in the RTR booklet of Anders praying.

The title The Jester Race[/I} is about how humans are jesters, like clowns and fools, racing towards
Make her compare the lyrics between Cher's "I got you babe" and Dark Funeral's "Teach your children to worshop satan" and she will most likely see the difference.

Otherwise, dumping her is a high alternative :loco:
On second though,make her listen/read Brush The Dust Away. She'll be glad knowing that you want to rape her mother. Maybe you could make her strip to the pistol magic.
Sounds like your gf trying to corner you.
Does you ever ask you "Do I look fat in this dress?" :)
I didnt ask for u to insult my woman. I just wanted some background so I could put her mind to ease. Dumping her is a stupid thing to tell me to do. She has come from a very religious background, and there is nothing wrong with that. I just thought you could help me put her at ease by giving me some direction...but dump her? Come on guys, seriously. Anyway, those who actually did answer my questions instead of telling me to dump her, thanks. U helped me out. Much appreciated. I still havent figured out what the jester is a symbol of, but many of your ideas seem to be right on. Thanks. And by the way, no matter what she thinks, I will never stop listening to the best band of all time...IN FLAMES!! Peace
@dajester: thinking that something is "satanic" only because of an image of a jester cap is not a consequence of any religious background: it's just plain stupid. not even simply mentioning the devil can be seen as a sign of a band being into "demonic" stuff, by a person of average culture and intellect.
if you can live with that, fine, my best wishes, but don't expect people to spend their nights explaining the obvious.

You can turn her on to "white" metal like the Norwegian band Schaliach.
Ah, you should do like seventi said or find a girl that listens metal like you. This is the best way I think. ;)