Someone please answer me this...

@Gums: Ok, I will, but just look at this ---->

or this ----->

Isn't funny?! :lol:
Fuck u Freddy Krueger. I have your IP, so dont be so quick to insult my woman. You must be one of these:

A:Lonley and alone
B:A Person who has a woman but has a bad relationship with her
C:You have a woman, but shes some buttugly goth chick (cause we all know that no hot chick likes heavy metal, and if they say they do, they are lying just to get some dickin)
D:You are gay

Piss off fool! She doesnt think In Flames is Satanic, she just said that the jester mask looked like something demonic. She asked me to find out what it symbolizes & I did. She has no problem with In Flames, so fuck u Freddy Krueger. Stick to your day job of being a pedafile.
I'm not getting into this devil smiley showing... :p

About those who said TJR was about human society, it's really not. It's about man relying on the machine so much, that eventually the machines might take over man. No really, that's what Anders said in Live in Koln.

About the girlfriend... show her some lyrics from RTR... they are the most non-abstract of the bunch...
*shrugs* Well, I'm a christian and I've never had any problems with In Flames, I'm not an expert but to me it seems that many times their lyrics centre around society and it's problems.
DaJester said:
@ gums & rahvin LMAO U guys have too much time on your hands!


Waylander said:
*shrugs* Well, I'm a christian and I've never had any problems with In Flames, I'm not an expert but to me it seems that many times their lyrics centre around society and it's problems.

As am I.. but I'm not one to follow lyrics anyways
NaTaSMAI said:
Are you trying to say that Episode666 and the other girls that post on UM are ugly? :mad:

No comment on Episode666, but quite a few of the others look good.

Steve(can't say anything else so says nothing at all)
NaTaSMAI said:
Are you trying to say that Episode666 and the other girls that post on UM are ugly? :mad:
No worries, darlin'. He's just jealous that none of those "hot chicks who like metal" would ever waste their time with him. Or his "dickin" for that matter. :loco:
DaJester said:
Fuck u Freddy Krueger. I have your IP,

:lol: :lol: sorry... *dries tears from face* can you please do something funny with my ip too? perhaps a cake, or some bath salts? ;)

(cause we all know that no hot chick likes heavy metal, and if they say they do, they are lying just to get some dickin)

the same goes for guys. all the hot ones are into jazz and jitterbug, but they sometimes say they like heavy metal just to have a chance to hear people say "dickin", which surprisingly doesn't happen often in the bizarre world of bluesy saxophones.

She doesnt think In Flames is Satanic, she just said that the jester mask looked like something demonic. She asked me to find out what it symbolizes & I did.

oh, so you did. may we partake of your discoveries?
btw, your girlfriend beat you to it: a jester mask does look like something demonic, for sure.

Stick to your day job of being a pedafile.

now that was a tricky word. methinks you should start by trying out easier stuff, like "plumber" or "farmer" before escalating to the harder, really insulting words, like "engineer" or "pedophile".

rahvin said:
the same goes for guys. all the hot ones are into jazz and jitterbug, but they sometimes say they like heavy metal just to have a chance to hear people say "dickin", which surprisingly doesn't happen often in the bizarre world of bluesy saxophones.
What? The hot guys are into jazz and jitterbug?

I am *so* out of here.