I'm actually getting a Slipknot fan to like Morbid Angel and Nile right now 
I still need to fix my CD player...

I still need to fix my CD player...
Yeah, get them. One actually told me that "Slayer and Stepulbora were shitty pieces of suck"(actual quote). Of course, he's one of my friend's friends, who told me I was the bad guy in that conservation because I said that the kid should listen to better music.Try going after more Korn fans, they usually think that Korn is the best thing out there.
I've done this and gotten other results. These are just the funny ones, dipshit.arsenic_kills said:i got a friend who likes In Flames and Nu-metal, and he wears audoislave t-shirts and listends to coldplay. ide say that your test was an attack on steroetypical people and a ficticous story ile try it and see if my results are the same as yours steve and report back to you from america