Does Reroute to Remain really appeal to fans of Linkin Park, Slipknot and Korn?

I must be the only person in the world who can fully enjoy numetal, death metal, hair metal, and prog metal one right after the other.

Disturbed, Suffocation, Bon Jovi, Symphony X, all in one CD. I'm open-minded enough.

My first comment was a bit hyperbolic, I know...
Slipknot, Papa Roach, Stone sour(Infact I run a stone sour site), Disturbed, Old Metallica, New Metallica, Iron Maiden, In Flames, Children of bodom, Eternal Lies, Naglfar, Malevolent Creation, The Haunted, Symphony X, Lacuna Coil... the list goes on for me :p

In the end its pretty stupid asking these kids to listen to them, let them live without trying to get them into the extreme side of metal to quickly, who said they want too? They are probably happy with their Korn.
I got a few indifferent opinions from these people, but no good from this type of people. I got open minded friends in to metal, but not the "extreme poser" types (yes I know I sound stupid)
I think In Flames would be good for MTV. God knows we need new stuff to wipe 50 Cent's ugly face off the T.V.

They are getting bigger. All my "mainstream metal" buddies are buying R2R and the TRigger EP, so...(crosses fingers so nothing bad happens)...
The same way Metallica made a few pop releases and then released another album like MOP and RTL? Like that?

I hope not.
Metallica should retire. 40 year old guys can't can't make combacks like they used to. Not everyone's George Foreman, you know...

Metallica should retire and sell grills or something, too. Or take over a radio station like Dee Snider did.
Aren't you one of those people who say that In flames didn't sell out?
Aren't you also one of those people who claim to be very open minded?

Still you can't get over the fact that a band that used to play thrash metal now plays rock/alternative. I find that pretty stupid. I'm sorry, but I just do.

However, if I'm wrong in any way feel free to correct me.
I've figured out something kind of ovbious the other day: when people (in general) start liking rock bands like Linkin Park or Evanescence that doesnt mean they're gonna start listening to the next "metal" or "hard rock" band. People are dumb all they do is what the neighbours do. So if you make them listen to In Flames for example they're gonna say "ewww! that's not like Linkin Park/evesnvenve/etc" like in that experiment the dude made. Pop music is mass culture, conformism. People dont like being different, and 1 cant try to convert 10 people to like what he just discovered on the internet the night before, if In Flames was to become mainstream, that would mean that this world is coming to an end.
I guess the good part in that band getting more public recognition is that they'll make more money. I envy them because they dont have to work to live. They just play music. I mean, isnt that everyone's dream?

By the way, hello.
Aren't you one of those people who say that In flames didn't sell out?
Aren't you also one of those people who claim to be very open minded?

Still you can't get over the fact that a band that used to play thrash metal now plays rock/alternative. I find that pretty stupid. I'm sorry, but I just do.

However, if I'm wrong in any way feel free to correct me. Were you asking me?

If so, I don't believe In Flames sold out, it's just that every good band looks like they're gonna release a subpar release this year or next. Maiden, DT, Metallica, Iced Earth, Godsmack, Superjoint Ritual, Soilwork, the list goes on and on...

I AM open-minded. And because I am, I repect the band's decision to change. However, I can't control whether I like the new music or not. I liked some new IF stuff, like Trigger and Cloud Connected, but the other stuff just hasn't grabbed me.

I'm glad you checked me on this. Feel free to do so anytime.
Total Bullshit you guys... look if people Like Inflames thats Great! I mean, they'll make more music as long as They don't Change Im happy. Why do you car eif others listen to inflames!? I've like them since lunar came out... and now, they're getting payed for their music cuz its going well for them. Bigger tours, Bigger Concerts!.... but thats my opnion... and Linkin fart and Shitknot do suck.. but thats another story
Haha okay :)

I just thought you were one of those people who say they're open minded because they like all In flames albums, and then in the next sentence tell everyone how much Metallica sold out. I think Load and Reload are okay rock albums at best, and I'm not trying to defend them or anything. It's just hypocritical of some people to think it's ok for some bands to change but not for others.

I'm glad we cleared that out :)

+ Welcome to the board Sickfish :Spin:
I liked Load and Reload a whole lot more than St.Anger, anyway. But I'm not really a Metallica fan anyway.

Hey sickfish!(no clue who you are or anything, but everyone else is saying hi, so I'll be polite and say so too, oh, wait, that was rude...*ponders*)
anonymousnick2001 said:
Metallica should retire. 40 year old guys can't can't make combacks like they used to. Not everyone's George Foreman, you know...

Metallica should retire and sell grills or something, too. Or take over a radio station like Dee Snider did.
The Station Dee Snider used t owork with (104.1 Hartford, CT) is now hip hop and other shit :(