Something funny happened today...

Ben Johnson

Jan 17, 2006
I was talking to a lady I work with;

Her: So what college major are you going for?

Me: Audio engineering.


Her: Huh. So you're learning about how to hook a TV up to a stereo?


Me: Yes.
Yeah some people seem to be in a whole other world. That reminds me of two such events:

(Me reading a book)
Her: "What are you reading about?"
Me: "Cosmology" - technically Stephen Hawkings "The Universe in a nutshell"
Her: "That's so cool! I like to do hair and nails too!"

(Me with headphones on)
Dude: "What are you listing to?"
Me: "A bunch of classical stuff" Brahms, Bach and the like
Dude: "Yeah, I love the Beatles!"
I was talking to a lady I work with;

Her: So what college major are you going for?

Me: Audio engineering.


Her: Huh. So you're learning about how to hook a TV up to a stereo?


Me: Yes.

What school are you going to?