something strange happened:noise turned into music


Autistic Superstar
Oct 16, 2002
until a few days ago i hated Nile with a passion.
when ever i heard them it just sounded like noise now when i hear it i hear a melody and realise i quite like it. so why didnt i hear the melody when i first heard it. the same thing happened with Zyklon a couple of months ago. (must get world ov worms some time)
this makes me fear the worst:i might some how become a power metal one day (the thought of this makes vomit rise into my throat). the first time i heard hammerfall i could barely stop myself falling into hysterics buut what happens if i wake up one day and suddenly gain a taste for cheesy fist pumping athems about mighty warrior kings and barechested renegades with horses of steel. if that ever happens you have my permisson to shoot me.
have anyone else ever thought something was shit but later found out they loved it
Damn.... dude... i hope nothing like that ever happens to you... I'll shoot you if see you posting something like: Manowar inspires me...

Anyway, i know what you mean. At first, i really hated death metal... but sudenly i found something really good in it. Meldoy?? who knows, maybe... i don't care. I love death metal now.
Yeah, I found the same thing with Testament and Cannibal Corpse. I always found Testament mediocre and Cannibal Corpse annoying, but suddenly they just clicked. Also the same with Reign In Blood by Slayer. I already had South Of Heaven which I liked a lot, and for some strange reason, Reign In Blood just didn't do it for me to start with.
That kind of stuff always happens to me. I'll get shot for admitting this but I hated My Dying Bride's Turn Loose The Swans album. I had it for three years before I could get into it. I had some of their other stuff and enjoyed it but for some reason I couldn't get into it. I'm glad I held on to it, though.

I had the same thing with Bolt Thrower, Zyklon and Enslaved. I guess a lot of times it's what you're in the mood for. Sometimes you go back to listen to a band you're sure you don't like and find out it's exactly what you wanted to hear. From then on out, it sounds good.
When I first started listening to black/death metal I had that same reaction, however several months after periodically listening to a extreme metal band I started really loving the music, and now that's what I mainly listen to... so I definately know what your talking about, however I disagree with your disliking of power metal... Hammerfall fucking rocks! \m/
This has only ever happened to me once as far as I remember. That was with Faith No More. When Epic came out, I totaly hated them. Then I heard The Real Thing about a year after it's release, and it utterly blew my mind.
I love bands that take time to fully appreciate. Meshuggah's 'Nothing' is exactly this way. So many people hate it because it is so much slower than 'Chaosphere'. It took me probably 30 listens to start to really like it. Bands that click with me immediately usually get listened to for only a short period of time before they start to bore me.
I struggled with Candiria at first... originally it seemed like the bizarre mix-up of hip-hop, jazz and metal just didn't gel at all, but now I'm a dedicated fan - in fact, I just bought the double-disc set 'The COMA Imprint' on Saturday, and I'm loving it... the instrumental jazz workout of 'Peel This Strip And Fold Here' and the cover of 'Bring The Pain' all sit perfectly amongst the noisecore-esque riffs and chug-a-thons...
heh that happens when you try :p I had that problem with Darkane at first. I didn't hate them, but didn't like them either. I gave them another break and downloaded the song Rusted Angel and needless to say I loved the song. Now I have all their albums and i'm the moderator of their official forum :)
As much as we all like to bash Cradle of Filth, they were actually the band that got me into extreme metal. It took me a while to understand that death growling is a legitimate skill (which Dani Filth still doesn't really possess).
Nile turned into music for me one day, it happens. Cannibal Corpse is something I will never be able to take seriously though. What pisses me off about them is the fact that they have several catchy songs, but fall short in some way or another. Take Hammer Smahsed Face, you got some crazy drumming, and a really catchy riff, and Chris' vocals come in and ruin everything.
I couldn't get into Emperor at first, because the music didn't make sense in my head. Needless to say, I'm not very educated in the way of music, but still, I just 'didn't get it'. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt one day, and re-downloaded all the songs I'd had before, plus a few new ones. Now I can't get enough of them, they rule my world. :)

From that expirence, I keep mp3's or CDs I buy that I can't get into right at the moment, and give them re-listens in my CD player. Some times, intelligent music really makes you search for a deeper passion in it that will tickle your fancy.
I've had a hard time... appreciating... Meshuggah. I have Nothing, and for the first few listens I fucking loved it, however I listened to it a few weeks ago and I changed CDs after a few songs... I'll keep giving their music a chance though.
that happens to me most of the time, but then most of the time i start to like them for awhile, then i listen to them again and think that they suck.
Originally posted by npearce
I love bands that take time to fully appreciate. Meshuggah's 'Nothing' is exactly this way. So many people hate it because it is so much slower than 'Chaosphere'. It took me probably 30 listens to start to really like it. Bands that click with me immediately usually get listened to for only a short period of time before they start to bore me.

I still don't know why this cd got such a bad rap on this forum. I dug it the moment I listened to it. Same with people bagging Cannibal Corpse, Opeths Deliverence and the last 2 Slayer albums??

But, I guess. Like my mom always said to me. "It'd be a boring world if we all liked the same thing".