Something strange on Still Life...


I rise...
Oct 13, 2001
Hey! I was listening to the last song of Still life (white cluster) when I noticed something strange.

On 02:02 you can hear soothing guitar harmonies going on while Mikael is singing. But at exactly 02:15 the guitar is brutally eliminated. It's like suddenly they realised that note is out of tune (while I think it is not) and killed it.

Has anyone else noticed this?
Actually, I seem to think that's a stylistic choice. I have a feeling the elimination of it at that moment was intentional.
Never noticed that before. Strange. It seems intentional. The one I wonder about is The Moor, with the one guitar cutting in and out strangely, it sounds like it would if a plug were loose. It's obviously not that. Maybe it's intentional too for all I know.

That´s the Ebow thingy they have on 2:02 - 2:15 but you can hear that this thing is out of tune and they problably cut (they don´t actually cut it, it fades out) it because if it would have rang out with Mikaels voice it would have been so aparent and kind of ruined Mikael´s singing, this part is repeated a couple of times in the song. I like it, after all it´s Opeth. And they can´t go wrong :grin:
If these things are an accident - shame on the production people.

My guess is that everything on all Opeth albums are intentional, and whether they have a deeper meaning, or were just an experiment with sound - only the band can answer that.
Woul be cool to ask 'em that.

I like things like this on CD's, maybe it's a blooper or maybe not, either way it still sounds good. I imagine them going like 'damn, we fucked up, but who's gonna know?' hehe :grin:
I think it's cool to try to listen beyond the music, hear the album like a producer would. Afterall, every musician knows that recording is terrible, so it's funny to hear something ... well... you know, 'strange'

But I have to say Opeth's 'still Life' has the best production I've ever heard, next to DreamTheater's 'Awake' :rock:
:muahaha: Awake is crystal clear! Yeah, that's one of the few I can crank in my car without hitting the Dolby button. I have another one that's about as crisp sounding as that one. I believe it's one from Fates Warning.



:rolleyes: Why. Why do the names DT and FW always appear in the same thoughts. It's getting pretty silly now! They're phrased/categorized together A LOT as it is...but just random chatter about DT and <<POW!>> There's Fates Warning not too far behind. This is like a phenomena with me already.

I guess it's nothing...but I wasn't even comparing genres and sounds. Just production on a CD. wtf...

"Would I prosper or fall, drain the past."
i dont know if its something funny with my cd, but listen to face of melinda now and hear the funny "sproing" noise somewhere thru it (i dont have my Cd here now so i cant say where it is). does anyone know what it is?
Originally posted by Katatonic289
i dont know if its something funny with my cd, but listen to face of melinda now and hear the funny "sproing" noise somewhere thru it (i dont have my Cd here now so i cant say where it is). does anyone know what it is?

I ofcourse don´t know what this sproing thing is but my guess is the fretless bass M. Mendez used on that track.
Someone explained it a while ago. You know when you get that "treek" sound with an acoustic guitar with the frets? The bass strings are much loser so it sounds like "sproing." It reminds me of a drop of water falling into a cistern or something.

My guess is that the "Sproing" is a pile of delay/reverb on the bass when he slides his finger up a fret, or maybe fret buz.