something that a bit disappoint me


May 1, 2003
Dance of December Souls is the best katatonia album for me :worship:
I can't end my day without hearing at least one time the song "Without God"..
Any way to the point... the song is out of beat, i think they recorded without metronome.. now i almost can't hear the songs :erk:
I guess that it's not so important to ppl like it's important to me.. but i was really disappoint about the record when i first notice.
I wondering why the drummer leave it...
you can notice that also in "Funeral Wedding" at the doublebass solo in the middle.. i think it's someting near 4:30 ..
If you like 'without god' on dance of december souls, you must hear their first version, on "jhva elohim meth". I think that one is better, but Renkse sucked playing drums by then. But that version is much darker, and the production suits the song better.
Or I maybe should say: Cry!
Hehe, Jonas is ok playing drums, not too good. His drums are real cool on DoDS though..
And by the way... asslicking nickname :p
And.... Jonas Renkse doesn't sing the first quote in your signature, Michael Åkerfeldt does.
Varg- said:
Hehe, Jonas is ok playing drums, not too good. His drums are real cool on DoDS though..
And by the way... asslicking nickname :p
And.... Jonas Renkse doesn't sing the first quote in your signature, Michael Åkerfeldt does.

I know Jonas doesn't sing it...but he WROTE it...
Hehe, who do you think writes the presidents speeches? Whoever it is, he doesn't get credit ;)
The one who says/sings the lines get credit...
However...never mind :)
It doesn't really matter but, yes I can. It's the same as when Britney Spears sings something. She hasn't written it, but she gets credit.
However, it's just i little formal rule. No need of change.
Yes, Jonas never claimed to be the most skilled percussionist. His work on Dance Of December Souls is at times awkward and out of time. Of course, this aspect certainly does not take away from the intent of the music, and his performance behind the kit for this recording may actually add something strangely unique to the overall feel of the work. I've remained a bit suspicious of the double bass runs on the early Katatonia material...especially during "Funeral Wedding".
thebleakhorizon said:
Yes, Jonas never claimed to be the most skilled percussionist. His work on Dance Of December Souls is at times awkward and out of time. Of course, this aspect certainly does not take away from the intent of the music, and his performance behind the kit for this recording may actually add something strangely unique to the overall feel of the work. I've remained a bit suspicious of the double bass runs on the early Katatonia material...especially during "Funeral Wedding".
Fast double bass parts. look, overall we havn't thought of that music. They did!
Jonas ís a skilled percussionist. He knows when to play what to make it what it's ment to be.
Jonas' drumming on BMD is essential to the feel of the album. Notice how it was much less complex than DoDS, its for a reason, cause BMD has a trance atmosphere that relies on straightfoward simplicity in the drum beats. Renkse knows what he was doing, i think its pure genius.
I am in complete agreement with the effectiveness of Renske's drum performance on Brave Murder Day. It is highly effective in it's simplicity and plays a very significant role in that album's overall atmosphere. I do, however, feel that there is some studio tinkering going on...which I sense during the double bass patterns and the overall sound of the drums. Jonas is my personal favorite musician..his lyrics, vocals, and general musical vision are astounding. I do not think he is a poor drummer, but he himeslef has admitted that he never really ever thought of himself as a drummer and that he does not consider himself an accomplished percussionist.