Something Wild

Well, well.. now the question is:
Should i sell the cd to some record store (and lose pretty much money) and then buy a new one, or should i keep it?? (the only thing that isn't working is the desktop thingy...)
Well, well.. I have now figured out that it has nothing to do with my OS.

EagleFlyFree: THe point is that i bought it in a town that lies about 650 km from here, so trading it back isn't an option.

But what would you guys do? Would you keep it (the only thing that doesn't work is the desktop-thingy) or would you trade it to a record store, loose a HECK load of money, and then buy a new one??
XP is the stupidist, most incompetent thing I have ever seen. Well, not really but I fucking hate XP. I use WIN2k Pro.

XP was made for computer illiterate people. For people that use XP and don't know how to set up a firewall, they have a firewall where they can't change permissions.