son of a BITCH!

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ethereallights said:
Yeah I am being raised in a Christian house hold. My advice to people also being raised in a house hold, and about heavey metal, is to just hide the albums, and never talk to your parents about music, or at least heavey metal. My parents are very crazy about stupid stuff like that.

My parents made me through away my Amorphis cd, which wasn't a big loss, but it made me realize, I need to find better places for my "devil music" like Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, and Emperor. I listen to eviler things than those bands, it's just I have to sneak everything in, hide it, and then listen to it on headphones or with the door locked to my room.

The funny thing is, this music hasn't ever altered my view of religion. I believe there is a god, but that's about as far as it goes. I mean I'm forced to attend church, but I have serious doubts about all the things they say.... so metal has never altered my view on religion. It might if you want it to, but who cares what one believes in?
according to your profile you are 18. its about time your parents gave you your own choice in life. Being forced to go to church is wrong (unless you are happy to go...). If they believe that stuff, then fine, but theres no reason why they should try and inflict it upon you. your parents sound very narrow minded to me if they make you throw away stuff just because they dont like it.
im COMPLETLY agree with your parents. dont hate your parents because opeth have satanic messages in their lyrics. my mom and dad would kill me if they knew i was on the opeth message board. i had a Yes cd and my mom threw it in the garbage because she thought it was satanic. i dont think that Yes is that satanic. But i let her do it because i did find some stuff offensive, and i HATE being offended. anyways, two thumbs up for your parents and keep faithful.
wow, i keep thinking about this thread...
and i think that if i am a parent one fine day i could envision my child getting interested in some stuff that might offend me severely, but i would think that the best idea would be to set down rules that come short of actually confiscating cds. (i am limiting this to music, since there's a lot of other stuff that would bring up different issues--say drugs, weapons, etc.)
i think i would say that i have the right as provider/homeowner/parent to not be subjected to things that offend or upset me deeply when i am in my own home. so, i don't want to hear or see it, but since you, my child, are a separate human being, i cannot censor your music. as stated above--put on the headphones!
neat thread.
thought provoking as i come home to BWP :)
It would also seem to me that, for whenever I become a parent, rather than having a knee-jerk reaction it would probably do to actually DISCUSS things like that in a rational manner. Just snapping and throwing stuff without doing that doesn't do anybody any good. On one hand, it could be that there would be something that, if I learned about it might not be such a problem anymore--and if you don't talk about it you won't find that out. Or on the other, there could well be a problem...but at least in that case, if there had been a discussion there would be PLENTY of warning before I actually reacted to something, and it would be very well understood WHY. But I would think that if a parent doesn't sit down and have a mature discussion, all they end up doing is adding fuel to the fire, by proving that they're unwilling to make any effort. I mean, yes, parents have to have authority, but they don't have to be completely authoritarian.
Oh dear! I think you need a chat with your parents about this.

Parents shouldn't tell you what you can and can't listen to...thats just wrong.

Seriously, have a talk with them about this, tell them that Opeth aren't in any way anti-Christian.

I was just sitting on my bed earlier, listening to Vader, and my Mum came in, stuck a load of ironed band shirts in my cupboard and then stood in front of the speaker mock headbanging! It was amusing and embarrasing at the same time.

My parents know I listen to anti - Christian music, they know what Black Metal is, they've bought me Mayhem and Emperor shirts for past Birthdays, and they aren't bothered. I suppose it helps with Mum being agnostic and Dad being athiest, but hell, my very religious Grandmother has even repaired my Mayhem - Grand Declaration of War shirt.
You should not be forced to go to church. That's ridiculous. All these people saying "oh opeth are not anti-christian", well actually they are, and some of their lyrics are subtely anti-christian (some lyrics dictate sin as a good thing etc.)
Also the lyrics are often focused on nature, which is extremely anti-christian ;)

Christian music is not at all uncreative. Go and listen to a band like Virgin Black, who are more creative and original than a lot of metal bands.
I think the main reason for a lot of anti-christianity in metal (usually coming from northern european countries like Norway etc.) is because of the history of those countries, since Christianity is not from Europe, but from Islam, so they see christianity as an invasion to their previously pagan lifestyle. Also the values are often seen as being offensive, "turn the other cheek", and the hypocrisy of materialism (ie heaven is the material paradise they strive for while they apparantly detest materialism).
that fucking sucksss! man.. but don't worry about it... all you have to do is go to a fucking store.. and buy them.... i'm glad i don't have that kind of parents... i'm glad my mother always try to get me shirts that have fucking skulls on it.... :worship:
I listened to Virgin Black for a while before I realized they were religous. Their music is pretty damn deep, and I always thoght they were quite anti-christian because of songs like "Our Wings Are Burning" etc.
Apocalyptic said:
im COMPLETLY agree with your parents. dont hate your parents because opeth have satanic messages in their lyrics. my mom and dad would kill me if they knew i was on the opeth message board. i had a Yes cd and my mom threw it in the garbage because she thought it was satanic. i dont think that Yes is that satanic. But i let her do it because i did find some stuff offensive, and i HATE being offended. anyways, two thumbs up for your parents and keep faithful.
:lol: sorry but :lol: ... I just find this to be hilaroius.
I'm wondering if it's sarcasm or just plain trolling. This same guy posted a "Who Is Melinda" thread.
Themoor666 said:
I'm sorry shroud of dusk, did I offend you by suggesting he get the cds back?
No, but you irritated me by not reading the thread and realizing that he actualy got his CD's back on the same day they were stolen... as the story is told in the thread.
Land of Grey and Pink: do you have the Relayer album? think of the song Gates of Delerium, theres one verse that says
"Kill them give them as they give us
Slay them burn their children's laughter
On to Hell"
thats offensive.

actually im just being a jackass. i cant believe people dont see my sarcasm. ignorant closeminded bastards. anyways, judging by your name you are a Caravan fan, so i have to show you respect for liking them. i like alot of prog bands (not the new shit, but the 60's/70s prog). king crimson, can, pink floyd, PFM (older pfm), gentle giant, ELP, caravan, yes, amon duul II, nektar, camel, grobschnitt (solar music man), novalis, focus, the list goes on. i like the experimental and innovative prog rock. the name prog rock is now a plauge on music with these new shitty bands. i like psychedelic music too. especially on mushrooms
Picking a fight with your parents won't bring up something constructive.
Talk to your mother. I mean, don't be afraid. Talk to her about religion, without being offensive. Let her explain her point of view. Try to understand her, how she's captive of her beliefs system. Be absolutly open to her. Tell her, in a passive manner, the way you feel about all this. Mutual understanding only can bring about clarity and compassion.
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