I'd love it if they'd add "The Harvest" back to their set list (it was on their set list in Finland). Also "The Vice" (my favorite from Unia) and "My Dream is but a Drop of Fuel for a Nightmare" would be nice additions as well.
Totally agree. I just finally went back and read the threads about the new album. Yikes! Clearly love it or hate it. Count me in the love it category. It took me a long time to get into it. Seriously, it was almost 15 listens before it started to grow on me. Since Sonata is my favorite band of this genre, I stuck with it and boy was I paid off. To me, this is the best work they've ever done. It doesn't have the individual best songs, but as a collective whole, it the only album where I can honestly say I won't hit skip on a single song.
I can see why people hate it. The Harvest is my favorite song from it, which I suspect could be the easiest one to hate if you don't like the new direction. I wasn't surprised to see that even the haters liked Caleb, but I was surprised no one really mentioned In Black and White. That's as close to "classic" Sonata as this album gets. I figured that'd be the one song everyone liked.
Oh well, I can't wait to see them Friday night (makes them skipping MN on this tour bearable). The more from Unia, the better for me.
White Pearl is still their masterpiece song that will never be topped, in my book.
If their set containts 85%+ of the first 3 albums ill be orgasmicly happy.
Hmm, assuming they want to do 2-3 from Reckoning Night and maybe 4-5 from the new album, that's a 35 song set!!! That'd be awesome!!!
[I know you meant "85% of the set from the first 3 albums", but I couldn't resist with the way you worded it ]