Sonata Arctica - Unia


Active Member
Dec 14, 2006
Buffalo, New York
It's been leaked and I think it's pretty good but much different than previous albums. Anyone else find this and your thoughts?

I won't post a link due to rules and whatnot..
i have not heard any of it thus far...

but the dude over at Metal Rules said there aren't any "fast" songs. That's kind of a bummer if it's true.

i'll wait 'til the CD is released...that's always the best thing to do for most effect.
i have not heard any of it thus far...

but the dude over at Metal Rules said there aren't any "fast" songs. That's kind of a bummer if it's true.

i'll wait 'til the CD is released...that's always the best thing to do for most effect.

That's me! :heh: There are songs that have somewhat fast parts, but they're not the typical Sonata fast songs you're used to. It took a few listens for the album to really grab me, but I love it now.
i have not heard any of it thus far...

but the dude over at Metal Rules said there aren't any "fast" songs. That's kind of a bummer if it's true.

i'll wait 'til the CD is released...that's always the best thing to do for most effect.

I dont agree with that..hehe
I made my preorder for a bunch of upcoming CDs but I didn't include this CD. I was checking out their website and the page for the preorder said they might have a special edition of the CD. I'd rather hold off to see what happens there.
I made my preorder for a bunch of upcoming CDs but I didn't include this CD. I was checking out their website and the page for the preorder said they might have a special edition of the CD. I'd rather hold off to see what happens there.

I think you should hear this CD before buying, im not liking it that much..
On Monday night, I spoke to Toni at the listening party. He basically said that it will take a close listening to as it opens up as it goes along. This is the "most difficult and technical" album SA has ever written. It will take a few listens to fully appreciate it. I was somewhat scratching my head until it got later into the album. However, because of all the suit-types that felt they had to yak it up while the CD was playing, I will enjoy this at the house.

Ray C.
Terrible. Goddamn, what happened to this band? Their song structures are so weird that it's hard to get a grasp on the melodies and once you do, they're still not that good. I think the last 2 cds have been a career killer (or at least a great hinderance) for the band.

I'm still excited to see them live again because they kick ass, but shit if these last 2 cds are not even close to the mark for me.
Someone "clued" me into how I was able to "acquire" a copy of this.

I was going to just wait till the album was available and I was going to get then, but curiosity was definitely getting the better part of this cat, sooooo.......

Time to queue this up on the ol' Klipsch and let'er rip!

This is definitely by far one of the most complex and technical albums that they have done out of the 5 they now have under their belts. I agree that this may take a listen or two before it really starts to "grab" you, but personally, I was very impressed. There is some awesome musicianship being displayed on this album, for sure. Also, there will certainly be no complaints about them trying to "mainstream" or "radio-friendly" their sound. Also no complaints that it is the "same-ol, same-ol" like I've seen with other bands. This is some difficult material to be sure and will be curious to see how they pull some of that off at a live performance.

Me, I really like this and will certainly get a "real" copy of the album when it becomes available. Especially as I'd like to see the lyric sheet, since there are some very interesting lyrics in some of those tracks that I'd like to get a chance to see and study.
Wow how can some of you hate this album?/

I mean this is a much different album that Ecliptica (although Ecliptica is still easily my favorite), but Unia takes spot #2, no contest.
THis album is fanfreakingtastic, sure the structures are a bit more complex, but....why complain about that? This is definitely an evolution for the band...and they're heading in the right direction.

this is MUCH better than Reckoning Night
I love how some of you say you don't like this album, it's boring, weak structures, unimpressive or whatever, and yet you find the time to praise bands that are extremely generic and non-innovative. Props to SA for trying something different with their music, and succeeding on it.
I love how some of you say you don't like this album, it's boring, weak structures, unimpressive or whatever, and yet you find the time to praise bands that are extremely generic and non-innovative. Props to SA for trying something different with their music, and succeeding on it.
Ditto. I've only heard a couple songs, but already I'm likeing it. Got enough of the SA "flavor" with some very interesting changes in structure and melodies. I for one get sick of bands pumping out the same formula and frankly another SA album exactly like all the others would have been a bit boring to me. Kudos to them for trying something new.:headbang:
Okay, I'm dying to hear this now! I'm not exactly that computer savvy, so how can I get hooked up to check this new SA album out? BTW, I NEVER substitute downloading for the real thing. Also, I buy the Japanese release of just about everything if it's available. But, I gotta hear this a.s.a.f.p.!
Okay, I'm dying to hear this now! I'm not exactly that computer savvy, so how can I get hooked up to check this new SA album out? BTW, I NEVER substitute downloading for the real thing. Also, I buy the Japanese release of just about everything if it's available. But, I gotta hear this a.s.a.f.p.!

So you're asking for people to tell you how to illegally download music on a public forum for a festival in which Sonata Arctica will headline?

Not really what I was expecting (which is a good thing). I'm glad they didn't keep going in the same vein as Reckoning Night (which I didn't like at all), but on the other hand I don't like this one as much as the first three albums. Overall, better than what I expected, but nowhere near the caliber of Ecliptica or Silence.
I love how some of you say you don't like this album, it's boring, weak structures, unimpressive or whatever, and yet you find the time to praise bands that are extremely generic and non-innovative. Props to SA for trying something different with their music, and succeeding on it.

The back-vocals are terrible. They are trying to get some thrashy riffs...not what I like
I love how some of you say you don't like this album, it's boring, weak structures, unimpressive or whatever, and yet you find the time to praise bands that are extremely generic and non-innovative. Props to SA for trying something different with their music, and succeeding on it.

Innovation does not equal success in entertainment. Numbers equal success and this band is not putting together any type of material that will get them (in my opinion and prediction) the success that will be able to sustain them. The musical road is littered with bands of "innovation" and "different" and though to some it may be sad and unsatisfactory, it is the case and MELODY and a tight song structure will ultimately drive a band to success or away from success in the absence of such.

Prog fans should be keenly aware of the connection between melodic songs and success. It's why Prog bands never headline anything like Wacken; they are "innovators" and "technical" but at the end of the day, they are often not melodic song writers and their sales and festival positions reflect that they aren't achieving the levels of "success" that their counterparts do. Give them "props" all you want, but if a band like Sonata keeps releasing music that steers away from listenable and memorable melodies, you'll be reflecting on the band that was.

Of course, this is all opinion too, so let's wait to see how the metal fan base accepts this platter in terms of sales, singles, and merchandise.
I will definitely still get it. Some of the posts in this thread are very interesting. Heck, one person went from liking it to hating it. Kinda amusing.