Sonata Arctica - Unia

Not into it at all. I've given it 2.5 listens, and it hasn't clicked yet. A lot of the comments here are spot on about the music having a lack of direction, all over the place, etc. I love SA, I really do. All their albums, minus the occasional song clicked with me. This album seems like it's from another band. I'll probably give it another go in a few weeks once my mind is cleared from it, but I'm not expecting to feel different.
It's a great album!!! Easily one of their best!

I agree. While Sonata isn't in my top 10 and such, they're a great band that is great live. While earlier albums are classic for all fans of the band, they're general trend has been a steady progression in maturing as song writers. While this albums isn't power metal speedy all the time, it really shows progress and is one of their best sounding records to date. For those who may need constand power/speed may not take as well to it off the cuff, but for anyone who likes this band, this one definitely grows on you and will easily end up one of their best yet, sales et. al. Very much looking forward to seeing them at PPUSA this year. :headbang:
I went and listened to this again, and my opinion still stands. In fact, as I've listened to it again, found I very much appreciate it that much more. I think it is friggan awesome! I personally love this. I really like the complexity and the technicality of this. I think the music is quite cohesive, not only that, this band does play extremely tight. There is no doubt that these guys are some very talented musicians. Maybe because I've always had an appreciation for classical as well as jazz, and I find this to be the metal equivalent. Not only that, if at all possible, try to listen to this on a good audio setup. It is amazing some of the nuances that come out when heard on an excellent sound system that are on this album. Despite this currently just being an mp3 download, I am impressed at how good of a recording this album is. All the more reason that I want to get an actual CD copy of this. People can bash on all they want, but I know what I like and I know good music when I hear it. This is definitely good music in my opinion and I definitely like this, regardless what others say.
To continue on with what I was saying about the album upon my first listen (but could not find the words to describe it, haha), This album is in every way a work of art. From start to finish, it is like an adventure. Every song is just so compelling, with a phenomenal performance by all musicians. The orchestrations throughout make it such a strong record. An album that can compel so much strength in each masterpiece of a song had no need for the speed that Sonata has always used in their past. It is a very sad record, something that also works very well with the personality Sonata Arctica's music carries. I just feel every song consume me throughout the record. For those of you who love it, it gets stronger with each listen (it's all I have or wanted to listen to). For those who are iffy, listen to it a few times. Let this album consume you. I can't wait to hold this album in my hands, and most importantly, watch these songs performed live in front of my very eyes. All Hail SONATA ARCTICA! :) :)
After reading so many of your strong opinions I was finally able to listen to the songs yesterday and again this morning and I must say that Unia is a superb effort. True it has many elements not present in their earlier releases but the sound is still unmistakably Sonata Arctica in my opinion, albeit with a little added seasoning. I can see how this new album will take several listens to really fully digest and appreciate in its entirety but initially I'm very happy with what I have heard. I'm looking forward with great anticipation to seeing the band later this year (actually twice if everything works out according to my Masterplan). :headbang:
Nuclear Blast Europe uploaded the Paid In Full -video on YouTube today. It was shot on the Baltic Sea ice, on the Gulf of Bothnia somewhere in front of Kemi, northern Finland.

Nice ice poles made with a couple of dynamite sticks at the end of the vid.

Metallll!!! :cool:
I don't see how some people can straight up hate the album. It's not the traditional Sonata sound but I still dig it. I think it's alot better than the previous album Reckoning Night.