Sonata Arctica - Unia

I find Unia the best album Sonata have made since Silence. They really have got a vision how to progress in their career simultaneously saving the distinctive Sonata sound. There is no point for an established band like Sonata in following the simplistic speedpower path because it's been done and repeated by a vast numbet of younger European power bands for years already.
This CD may take a few spins before getting into it, but usually it is a good sign meaning that you will be listening to it much longer, and even after years it will still sound good.
That said, SA has never been on my top 10 of metal bands, but my personal interests aside, I will happily point out that they are one of the pathfinder progpower bands around, those few who didn't stagnate when they hit the success.

There are more than enough generic power metal bands in Europe, similar sounding and repeating themselves and each others. When pseudo-melodic speedpower bands like Dragonforce (formed by guys from NSBM band Demoniac who moved in England and turned into speedpower, meh!) may raise in sudden heights in the USA then followed by the rest of the world, it's more of a marketing issue than anything.
Heck, Evanescence were sold to the American masses even they didn't bring anything new to the scene and they got huge all over the world selling what, 16 million copies of Fallen? European goth rock/metal bands had done the kind of music with female vocals for aeons but with no backing from any huge marketin machine.
But that's the way corporates feed the masses: sell the chosen "hot" style on full power, squeeze it dry, then drop it in favour of the next "hot topic". :Smug:
I mostly agree with woosta here. I like some moments from this album, but overall the song structures are too all over the place. That doesn't mean it's more sophisticated or just sounds messy most of the time. Not a terrible album, but disappointing.
I love how some of you say you don't like this album, it's boring, weak structures, unimpressive or whatever, and yet you find the time to praise bands that are extremely generic and non-innovative. Props to SA for trying something different with their music, and succeeding on it.

Its called HOOKS which IMO this has none of.

I could give a fuck how generic a song is as long as it has a nice hook/melody that lures me in.

IMO this CD has nothing memorable that left me wanting to come back to it.

I love how some ppl cant accept that we all have different opinions, and musical tastes.

Oh and Ive read on various forums people calling this CD progressive hahahahaha

When will some realize tempo changes doesnt make a band progressive....time changes do.
So far, i've liked what i have heard. I would not compare this to Ecliptica and Silence. Unia is completely different. It is definitely not their best release, but from what i've heard, its better than some of their other releases. I feel that people will either love or hate this album. People who expect this to sound like every other SA album will be in for a surprise.
wow i honestly don't get how some of you are saying it's missing memorable melodic moments and hooks....they're all over the place in this album!

Sure, there aren't any purely melodic songs such as...say...San Sebastian on this album, but they've already written tons os songs like that....The music's a little more complicated but the melodies and hooks are still there, trust me (just a bit harder to find).
Its called HOOKS which IMO this has none of.

I know what hooks are, but I disagree with you on the "this has none".

I could give a fuck how generic a song is as long as it has a nice hook/melody that lures me in.

Mmmhmm.. Fair enough.

IMO this CD has nothing memorable that left me wanting to come back to it.

I disagree. I don't know, check again a few tracks such as the single one (Paid in Full), it's got a hell of a hook.

I love how some ppl cant accept that we all have different opinions, and musical tastes.

Yeah, that sucks, doesn't it?

Oh and Ive read on various forums people calling this CD progressive hahahahaha

It has its little progressive-power moments, but it's not a progressive album.

When will some realize tempo changes doesnt make a band progressive....time changes do.

Not only that. Lots of other things can make a band progressive.
Yeah, Leverage is a solid band. I liked that cd.

As for "Paid In Full", it's that fucking piano line that just totally distracts me from the entire piece. It dawned on me today that it's like when you link from one site to another and the first site starts playing music while you're playing music from the second site and it takes you about 5 minutes to figure out what the fuck is going on because it sounds like one fucked up song instead of 2. THAT is how I hear "Paid In Full". But take that piano out and I hear a very generic song all in all. It's just not that great compared to the big Sonata songs from any of their other cds. The only song I put on my iPOD was "Caleb" and just because I felt guilty having no new Sonata songs on there. I don't know, man, maybe it's just me but I'm not hearing it with this new cd and I only heard it with "Don't Say A Word" and maybe one other on the last cd. Shaky ground, I think.
Unia :) :). This album is very sad. I think it's just amazing, from what I have heard. I am a little consumed in it so my mind can't find the words to describe it's hold while listening to. I am very happy that we are still a little early in the year and I Keep hearing these amazing new records from so many of my beloved favorites. And there is MORE TO COME! Hoorayyy METAL! :p
Innovation does not equal success in entertainment. Numbers equal success and this band is not putting together any type of material that will get them (in my opinion and prediction) the success that will be able to sustain them. The musical road is littered with bands of "innovation" and "different" and though to some it may be sad and unsatisfactory, it is the case and MELODY and a tight song structure will ultimately drive a band to success or away from success in the absence of such.

Prog fans should be keenly aware of the connection between melodic songs and success. It's why Prog bands never headline anything like Wacken; they are "innovators" and "technical" but at the end of the day, they are often not melodic song writers and their sales and festival positions reflect that they aren't achieving the levels of "success" that their counterparts do. Give them "props" all you want, but if a band like Sonata keeps releasing music that steers away from listenable and memorable melodies, you'll be reflecting on the band that was.

Of course, this is all opinion too, so let's wait to see how the metal fan base accepts this platter in terms of sales, singles, and merchandise.

LOL, you're an idiot. This album will sell just as much as Sonata's previous works, if not more because of higher awareness in the world. Expect it to debut at #1 in Finland alone.

Sonata didn't headline Wacken in 2005, but they had a rather nice spot on the main stage. And to boot, if you knew ANYTHING about Wacken in the first place, you'd know that most of those bands who *do* headline are older bands like Saxon/Motorhead and bands that make exclusive-to-Germany apperances like Immortal, Emperor, Iced Earth etc.

In this day and age, it doesn't make a difference what kind of music you're producing. It's all about label push and luck. If a band like Dragonforce can sell 10,000 copies of their album (LOADED with 8+ minute songs with 2 minute solo sections) in 1 week in the US, you can't say something stupid like "technical bands don't sell".

This album rules, their best since Silence for SURE.

PS. If you listen to music and expect "hooks" all the time, you're a shallow, trendy idiot who shouldn't even be listening to metal in the first place. Go pick up the new Avril Lavigne if you want hooks.


Just listened to Leverage... ::yawn::
LOL, you're an idiot. This album will sell just as much as Sonata's previous works, if not more because of higher awareness in the world. Expect it to debut at #1 in Finland alone.

Sonata didn't headline Wacken in 2005, but they had a rather nice spot on the main stage. And to boot, if you knew ANYTHING about Wacken in the first place, you'd know that most of those bands who *do* headline are older bands like Saxon/Motorhead and bands that make exclusive-to-Germany apperances like Immortal, Emperor, Iced Earth etc.

In this day and age, it doesn't make a difference what kind of music you're producing. It's all about label push and luck. If a band like Dragonforce can sell 10,000 copies of their album (LOADED with 8+ minute songs with 2 minute solo sections) in 1 week in the US, you can't say something stupid like "technical bands don't sell".

This album rules, their best since Silence for SURE.

PS. If you listen to music and expect "hooks" all the time, you're a shallow, trendy idiot who shouldn't even be listening to metal in the first place. Go pick up the new Avril Lavigne if you want hooks.

Good lord.

Get the sand out of your vagina.
LOL, you're an idiot. This album will sell just as much as Sonata's previous works, if not more because of higher awareness in the world. Expect it to debut at #1 in Finland alone.

Sonata didn't headline Wacken in 2005, but they had a rather nice spot on the main stage. And to boot, if you knew ANYTHING about Wacken in the first place, you'd know that most of those bands who *do* headline are older bands like Saxon/Motorhead and bands that make exclusive-to-Germany apperances like Immortal, Emperor, Iced Earth etc.

In this day and age, it doesn't make a difference what kind of music you're producing. It's all about label push and luck. If a band like Dragonforce can sell 10,000 copies of their album (LOADED with 8+ minute songs with 2 minute solo sections) in 1 week in the US, you can't say something stupid like "technical bands don't sell".

PS. If you listen to music and expect "hooks" all the time, you're a shallow, trendy idiot who shouldn't even be listening to metal in the first place. Go pick up the new Avril Lavigne if you want hooks.
There's no need to get personal and insulting. If you've got a point, make it, but could you try to do it without the bullshit? Obviously there's going to be a lot of differences of opinion about this CD, (as well as so many others in the future), it's so much more interesting and educational to discuss them without personal attacks.
So you're asking for people to tell you how to illegally download music on a public forum for a festival in which Sonata Arctica will headline?

Actually, in my excitement I worded it wrongly. I really just want samples to check out. I ALWAYS buy the real thing because I'm from the old school. I just want a taste of it because so many people say it's so different from their earlier stuff. I really am not looking to offend anyone or cheat anyone.