Song Survivor - Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky round 1

Vote for the 2 weakest tracks

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You're just mad because Talos' cock was inside your mouth long after I threw Omni away.

By all accounts, you were flirting with Omni over Facebook up until near the end. Similarly, by Tech's own admission, Omni obsessed over me privately and I never reciprocated. You're a pathetic deadbeat dad that spends his child support money on VHS's and prostitutes, and his time on fictional internet women.
Wow. This thread sure blew up. Personally I don’t take Fenriz very seriously. But I think I recall him saying they were listening to Necrolust by a Vader a lot going into this album. I even vaguely recall him saying the opening riffs to Kathaarian Life Code were inspired by that album.

I think the death metal on this album is overstated as well. No one would ever call this a black/death metal album. The Pagan Winter is the most death metalllish track on it. But yeah, there’s obviously some remnants of their death metal days.

Can’t disagree enough with Kathaarian Life Code being called the newb friendly track - it’s the least accessible thing on here imo. Whereas In the Shadow of the Horns is the most obvious track with the least depth. Which is why it used to be one of my favourites. It’s nowhere near as nasty and demented as the other tracks. The first 4 minutes or so are all rather comforting and familiar in comparison to most of the rest of the album, save for perhaps the closer. It ups the intensity for the last 2 and a half minutes, and that accoustic guitar part is really sinister and bizarre. But other than that, nah.
Darkthrone did a good job evolving and learning. This album, while being a good one, it doesn't show their true potential as the next 3 did. The songwriting on this one is kinda strange, like if they wrote some songs at a totally different time and mindset than others. UAFM to Panzerfaust are far more focused.
This is ending soon. Gets our votes in!

I checked the 1992 list and it seems only Old Wainds has not voted in this poll from the people that voted for the album that is still active. Oh and Techbarb doesn’t to seem to have voted yet either.
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Like Transylvanian Hunger, every song on here is a masterpiece. I know the first two tracks are my absolute favorites, but the other tracks are all about equal to me. I voted for Pagan Winter and Where Cold Winds Blow, but there's not much separating the tracks.
I'm listening to this album for the first time in a billion years and I like it more than I remember. My last exposure to classic Darkthrone was Transilvanian Hunger and I thought that album was boring as shit, this is much better, probably because the Celtic Frost influence is much more pronounced.

Doubt I'll have an opinion before the poll closes, but I'll participate in round 2.
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Transilvanian Hunger is definitely not “boring as shit” :(

This album is better, though. So at least you’re starting to appreciate it.

You should try Under a Funeral Moon as it’s definitely their most weird album. Some of the songs on that album just sound wrong. Try “Crossing the Triangle of Flames”, “Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust” and “Natassja in Eternal Sleep” to see what I mean. Also, “To Walk the Infernal Fields” is Darkthrone’s tribute to “Enter the Eternal Fire” and it fucking rules.

@no country for old wainds
Get your votes in for this album! It was on your 1992 list.
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I'm voting for "Where Cold Winds Blow" and "The Pagan Winter". "Paragon Belial" is an instant favorite. Apparently my half-formed opinions on this album are already very conventional, judging by the results of this poll.
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Okay CiG, their wierdest black metal album. Goatlord is definitely weirder.

Paragon Belial is amazing!

Kinda sad that “Where Cold Winds Blow” is probably going to be eliminated in the first round! Used to be one of my least favourites, but it’s grown on me over the years. I love 0.56 - 1.30 and when it’s repeated again, Culto just maniacally fucking shrieking away even though there aren’t any lyrics. And 2:49 - 4:30. So good.