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I randomly shit on STN in 2017 for being a Korn fan.

I was about to get mad but all this really proves is that you have more of a life than me. The eggs jokes relate to the wife beating thing.

Mate you said it so dryly, usually I can tell when you're making a serious point and when you're making a joke. Backtracking or did I legit miss it?

Yeah I already checked your post history and that was the only previous post about Korn you made towards STN, and it was in the context of a discussion/argument on Korn. It wasn't random, just as you clearly aping Tech right now wasn't random.

I don't spend much time in the off-topic board and hadn't noticed you copying Tech with that one as well.

I've seen you misinterpret posts of mine many times but it's generally bad form, particularly on the internet, to explain a joke, so I don't bother. You're one of the most autistic, or at least internet-autistic people here, you don't really have a grasp of what people mean and you often get hurt when you figure it out. Do you think that I think that some fat drunk transabo fuck with 30000 posts that regularly posts photos of himself and spills his e-guts when offended also has an anonymous no wainds-aping alt account? No, I don't, but feel free to add that to your bff's dossier on me anyways.
Yeah bullshit m8, that makes no sense in context (two different meanings of edge) and it's far too coincidental that you chose to name Korn rather than any other edgy band.

Korn are edgy, STN likes Korn, that's the thought process of the joke. You two mongoloids are over-thinking it.

Oh no, two different meanings but the same word? Wow what is a double-entendre?
Korn are edgy, STN likes Korn, that's the thought process of the joke. You two mongoloids are over-thinking it.

Oh no, two different meanings but the same word? Wow what is a double-entendre?

That's a different explanation than:

The reason I brought up Korn was because they're edgy in a teen kinda way and Tech and STN were talking about going to the edge.
Yeah I already checked your post history and that was the only previous post about Korn you made towards STN, and it was in the context of a discussion/argument on Korn. It wasn't random, just as you clearly aping Tech right now wasn't random.

Okay and now check for all the times I randomly insulted someone using a band reference.

That's a different explanation than:

And you have the nerve to call others autistic? lmfao. It's not a different explanation you absolute sped.

I don't spend much time in the off-topic board and hadn't noticed you copying Tech with that one as well.

Not copying anybody, STN is just triggered as all fuck and you're dickriding his comments because you love to take any chance to shit on Tech due to your longstanding back and forth with the guy.

I've seen you misinterpret posts of mine many times but it's generally bad form, particularly on the internet, to explain a joke, so I don't bother. You're one of the most autistic, or at least internet-autistic people here, you don't really have a grasp of what people mean and you often get hurt when you figure it out.

For example? I didn't get hurt by your in hindsight dogshit "Phylactery alt" joke, it made me laugh because it's funny to see you trying to figure people out on here after you basically professed your love for your soulmate Talos.

What are the odds that I'm too autistic to get some shit joke you made, that nobody else got either, even though I love comedy and watch stand-up comedy pretty much daily, or that you're too autistic to know how to tell a joke? You're a labfaggot with pillow follicles on your cock, you're easily the most autistic cunt on this site.

Do you think that I think that some fat drunk transabo fuck with 30000 posts that regularly posts photos of himself and spills his e-guts when offended has an anonymous no wainds-aping alt account? No, I don't, but feel free to add that to your bff's dossier on me anyways.

You think way too much severely retarded shit to expect me to give a shit comment of yours the benefit of the doubt lol.
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Okay and now check for all the times I randomly insulted someone using a band reference.

And you have the nerve to call others autistic? lmfao. It's not a different explanation you absolute sped.

Not copying anybody, STN is just triggered as all fuck and you're dickriding his comments because you love to take any chance to shit on Tech due to your longstanding back and forth with the guy.

For example? I didn't get hurt by your in hindsight dogshit "Phylactery alt" joke, it made me laugh because it's funny to see you trying to figure people out on here after you basically professed your love for your soulmate Talos.

What are the odds that I'm too autistic to get some shit joke you made, that nobody else got either, even though I love comedy and watch stand-up comedy pretty much daily, or that you're too autistic to know how to tell a joke? You're a labfaggot with pillow follicles on your cock, you're easily the most autistic cunt on this site.

You think way too much severely retarded shit to expect me to give a shit comment of yours the benefit of the doubt lol.

How do you propose I do that, and what would it even prove? The point is that Tech does it all the time, particularly with respect to STN, and it stood out as different for you.

They're completely different. They're not mutually exclusive, but they're still completely different.

You leaving the forum and complaining about how hurt you were by people here and how you would never return would be the obvious example of you being hurt on this forum.

Only an absolute autist would brag about his comedy-loving credentials in an argument about missing a mildly cheeky off-hand internet comment. Calling Pagan Altar a fake band was clearly serious on my part because I went through great lengths to defend it. I'll I did to you is suggest that a single punctuation mark made a single one of your posts look as if it had been written by another member of the forum.
How do you propose I do that, and what would it even prove? The point is that Tech does it all the time, particularly with respect to STN, and it stood out as different for you.

Well because historically STN isn't someone I have flame wars with, but the trait of randomly bringing up bands to shitpost at someone is well-established, you wacky nonce.

They're completely different. They're not mutually exclusive, but they're still completely different.


You leaving the forum and complaining about how hurt you were by people here and how you would never return would be the obvious example of you being hurt on this forum.

Yeah and that's one instance that I'm completely open and honest about, but one very big and obvious example isn't a trend and you're implying that misunderstanding comments and then getting hurt when their meaning is revealed to me is something that happens all the time so substantiate your claim you habitually lying git.

Only an absolute autist would brag about his comedy-loving credentials in an argument about missing a mildly cheeky off-hand internet comment.

No retard it's simply to point out that I'm not one of the autists here with a niche sense of humour or none at all. You on the other hand beat off to flowcharts and think homoerotic hentai-lite is hilarious. If your Phylactery alt comment was intended to be a joke I think I would have had a good chance of getting it, but it was deadpan as fuck and extremely similar to times when you've made genuine accusations.

You can keep going with the #JustaJokeBro thing but I'm definitely not entirely to blame for it going over my head since almost nothing about it came across as a joke, except maybe in the unintentional sense like a lot of what you say.

Calling Pagan Altar a fake band was clearly serious on my part because I went through great lengths to defend it. I'll I did to you is suggest that a single punctuation mark made a single one of your posts look as if it had been written by another member of the forum.

Yes but before you went to great lengths to defend it, the first time you claimed it was exactly the same in tone as when you said I am a Phylactery alt. Was I supposed to wait a few weeks to see if you defended that "joke" before I decided if it was a joke or not? Because if so, it obviously fails as a joke you prat.
Well because historically STN isn't someone I have flame wars with, but the trait of randomly bringing up bands to shitpost at someone is well-established, you wacky nonce.


Yeah and that's one instance that I'm completely open and honest about, but one very big and obvious example isn't a trend and you're implying that misunderstanding comments and then getting hurt when their meaning is revealed to me is something that happens all the time so substantiate your claim you habitually lying git.

No retard it's simply to point out that I'm not one of the autists here with a niche sense of humour or none at all. You on the other hand beat off to flowcharts and think homoerotic hentai-lite is hilarious. If your Phylactery alt comment was intended to be a joke I think I would have had a good chance of getting it, but it was deadpan as fuck and extremely similar to times when you've made genuine accusations.

You can keep going with the #JustaJokeBro thing but I'm definitely not entirely to blame for it going over my head since almost nothing about it came across as a joke, except maybe in the unintentional sense like a lot of what you say.

Yes but before you went to great lengths to defend it, the first time you claimed it was exactly the same in tone as when you said I am a Phylactery alt. Was I supposed to wait a few weeks to see if you defended that "joke" before I decided if it was a joke or not? Because if so, it obviously fails as a joke you prat.

So is it random or is it because STN likes Korn? Make up your mind.

I could give the romantic back and forth between you and Tech as another example. Or how certain political subjects like male circumcision, alimony, and abortion make you visibly angry and emotional when arguing here. Or your alcoholism which is usually concomitant with being a needy person.

My humor is generally deadpan I think. Even if my initial replies regarding you and Pagan Altar were similar, and I don't think they were, I followed up regarding Pagan Altar fairly thoroughly. I don't think of myself as a particularly funny person fwiw, it wasn't supposed to be a thigh-slapper, it was a short, benign comment which is how I believe about 95% of my attempts at humor go. But how would you characterize my humor? I'm probably the worst judge of my own kind of humor and honestly have no idea how I would characterize my attempts at it.

Calling Back Street Girls "hentai-lite" is a good joke btw.
So @HamburgerBoy what's your list of most to least autistic users here

Most autistic

Omni > SentinelSlain > Tech > Phylactery if he's not an alt > The Butt > CiG > the people that seemingly post exclusively in cover art/now playing threads without ever discussing things > you = MasterYoda > Manic > the rest

Least autistic would probably be

Onder > the biological women of the forum > arg > Krigloch > Serjeant Grumbles = Satanstoenail = Krow > the rest

Note that autism is not the only diagnosis of mental illness or social retardation. I think Manic is arguably more mentally ill than many people ranked with higher autism, for example, but I think he's too self-aware to be properly autistic.
So is it random or is it because STN likes Korn? Make up your mind.

It's because he likes Korn but it's random because I brought it up even though nobody was talking about the band. Mind is made up, keep desperately scrambling for rebuttals homo.

I could give the romantic back and forth between you and Tech as another example.

What has Tech said that I misunderstood and then got hurt by?

Or how certain political subjects like male circumcision, alimony, and abortion make you visibly angry and emotional when arguing here.

Having passionate views isn't the same as being hurt by misunderstandings, not sure why you would even think this is an example of your prior claim. Really reaching there champ. Not everybody is sociopathically detached from human interaction and personally held views on subjects like you, pillow rapist. Like I said, you're EASILY the most autistic person here. :lol:

Or your alcoholism which is usually concomitant with being a needy person.

More of your lies, and proof that you're one of the few pathological liars on this site. I have a history of drug issues when I was much younger but I've never had an issue with alcohol, you're mixing me up with Ozzman because you spew so much horseshit you can't keep your rhetoric consistent.

My humor is generally deadpan I think. Even if my initial replies regarding you and Pagan Altar were similar, and I don't think they were, I followed up regarding Pagan Altar fairly thoroughly.

Yes spastic but like I said, am I supposed to wait before I interpret it? You clearly don't understand how jokes function and how they're created if you think how you followed up on the original statement is relevant to how it should be taken when it's initially made. Fucking hell having to explain this basic shit to an adult is sad lmao.

I don't think of myself as a particularly funny person fwiw, it wasn't supposed to be a thigh-slapper, it was a short, benign comment which is how I believe about 95% of my attempts at humor go.

It's also how majority of your non-joke initial statements go. Nothing about that beyond the sheer absurdity came across as a joke and you say so much absurd shit that aren't jokes that like I said, I can't be completely blamed for not getting it.

But how would you characterize my humor? I'm probably the worst judge of my own kind of humor and honestly have no idea how I would characterize my attempts at it.

I think your humour lies in 2 places; shamelessness is always funny and endearing, and being able to always take unexpected angles on things is amusing as fuck.

In this new milieu of alts being exposed, as well as your deadpan delivery and penchant for saying absurd things, the joke went way over my head.

Least autistic would probably be


CIG I'm not "blaming" you for anything, just a little surprised that you thought I was being serious over an exclamation point. You're taking that post in a dozen different directions now and none of them are worth exploring. Get over it m8.

Being able to separate the internet and emotions is a pretty basic skill. Even though I was basically socialized on the internet, I haven't felt a substantial emotional investment/connection to forum shit since I was like 15 years old. And it's not simply that you have strong opinions on those subjects, it's that you personally attack others and/or suddenly turn dismissive when trying to discuss them. It's more signs that you rely on this website for emotional validation. And didn't Techy make a joke about your alcoholism regarding some photo with a couple cases of Corona on the floor? Whether you're a boozer or a crack addict makes little difference in any case. Also, it's not autistic to be emotionally detached. Sociopaths are frequently adept at understanding and manipulating human relations. Autists basically by definition aren't.

How dare you compare me to Master_Normie77?

I was probably being slightly nice to you by putting him on equal footing tbh. You tend to get baited more easily than him, though Yoda is a lot more repetitious in his interests and thoughts and every other Yoda I've known on the internet has been a bit of a sperg.
@HamburgerBoy Also the fact that you would put Carpe in the least autistic section says so much about how you perceive the world around you, skip.

So the degree of normieness is directly correlated to how dank the memes are? Peak autism

Says the fat slob who watches massacres on live stream and talks about what kinds of guns the terrorist uses, all while pretending to be fuckin' Douglas MacArthur in selfies and spouting off about an upcoming civil war that we should all be prepared for. :lol:

I witnessed you with my own eyes autistically doing "AKTCHUALLY" posts correcting memes saying 5'8" is manlet-tier. Imagine being such an autistic faggot you actually try to correct jokes by citing national height stats on men.

CIG I'm not "blaming" you for anything, just a little surprised that you thought I was being serious over an exclamation point. You're taking that post in a dozen different directions now and none of them are worth exploring. Get over it m8.

Don't ever compare me to a black metal/3rd tier Morbid Angel album fellating muppet again. :mad:

Being able to separate the internet and emotions is a pretty basic skill.

How would you know? You're not a normal individual by any standard I can think of. The other emotionally detached users here are no country (clearly some kind of Joker-tier nihilist) and Dak, an autistic debater pretty much on your level. Everybody else here has expressed emotional attachment of varying degrees to what goes on online. Ozzman got so assrammed about me teasing him and MS Painting his pictures that he's blocked me like 3 times, Manic leaves every ten minutes, Black Orifice, Funerary and a few others purposely avoid certain threads because they don't like the debates etc, The Butt threatened to beat up Tech, and so on.

You don't get to use yourself as the standard by which you can judge others, you're an abnormal trans-kike who thinks he's a metalhead now because he ganked his dad's CD collection. :D

And it's not simply that you have strong opinions on those subjects, it's that you personally attack others and/or suddenly turn dismissive when trying to discuss them.

That's just me being an asshole, personally attacking people ("faggot" etc) is just funny for me and in the end, and this has also heightened since I ragequit and learned a lesson about Internet friends, I'm just online to amuse myself.

And didn't Techy make a joke about your alcoholism regarding some photo with a couple cases of Corona on the floor?

Yeah empty boxes, it was a holiday season photo and I purchased booze for the drinkers. I don't drink, and if I were an alcoholic I wouldn't waste money on cartons of literal piss water that takes all day to get drunk on. You'd know this if you had any experience interacting with humans socially, outside of your lab where you pretend to be a Hillary supporter so as to not rock the boat. ;)

It's more signs that you rely on this website for emotional validation.

If you say so, I disagree.

Whether you're a boozer or a crack addict makes little difference in any case.

Of course, facts and accuracy mean little to pathological liars like yourself. I'm neither.

Also, it's not autistic to be emotionally detached. Sociopaths are frequently adept at understanding and manipulating human relations. Autists basically by definition aren't.

Emotionally manipulating people and pretending to have emotions you don't have isn't the same as being emotionally attached to interactions and opinions. Autists are just emotionally detached retards who don't have the manipulation ability of sociopaths.
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Carpe doesn't strike me as autistic. She's nerdy but seems pretty socially aware while still getting along with everyone.

You're mostly naming the small but vocal minority of shitposters on this forum when talking about people that get over-attached. Most people either left years ago or pick their battles wisely. I'm not saying a person can never feel emotional about things on this forum or have some genuine appreciation/dislike towards them. I'm not even saying a person can't rage over the things they read on a forum. But it's an anonymous forum, no one knows your emotional status unless you reveal it, and people like you, Techy, etc that pretend to be internet hardasses while clearly taking things very personally are going about it all wrong. I agree regarding your assessment of wainds though.

You just said you had a drug habit didn't you? I don't care if you're "clean" (something you'll never be) now, the fact that you have the psychology capable of becoming an addict is sufficient to demonstrate the neediness of your personality.

You're simply completely wrong about the ordinary definition of autism. I understand the confusion since people use "autist" as a catch-all these days, but autists are definitely not necessarily emotionally detached. Just look at any Chris-chan type internet figure that gets arrested when a game store displays a poster of Sonic with the wrong color of gloves; autistic people are frequently very emotional.
This forum has been primarily about meta-discussion at least ever since I joined it, as others have pointed out even M-A folks laugh at us for that, no point changing that now.
pertaining to or noting a story, conversation, character, etc., that consciously references or comments upon its own subject or features, often in the form of parody: A movie about making a movie is just so meta—especially when the actors criticize the acting.
pertaining to or noting an abstract, high-level analysis or commentary, especially one that consciously references something of its own type.
a consciously and playfully self-referential story, conversation, etc.: That dialogue was an example of meta at its best.
an abstract, high-level analysis or commentary: writing a meta to explain the character’s motivation.
verb (used without object)
to analyze or comment on something in a meta way: I spend more time metaing about the show than actually watching it.