Songs Which You Should Theoretically And Logically Hate, But Actually Like...


Infinite Idiocy
Dec 10, 2012
Path Of The Misanthrope
Call this the embarrassment, illogical pit of shit thread if you like, because that's basically what it is: songs that for all intents and purposes you should loathe and despise, but somehow actually *like*. Let the red-facedness begin:

Disclaimer: I absolutely loathe and despise Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit, and pretty much anything related to the Nu-Metal genre. However, I still find myself strangely drawn to this song like a fly drawn to a piece of mouldy shit-food (I'm looking for some self-induced pesticide "therapy" as we speak):

Disclaimer: I generally look down upon Hard Rock with the same kind of disdain reserved for worm-egg-laden-shits, the kinda stuff you spew out when you are absolutely devoid of anything even mildly creative or innovative, but this song can somehow always draw me in - not a big fan of the rap stuff, but the deep, mind-bending lyrics and non-rap parts kick my ass so badzly that perhaps worms don't seem so bad after all:

Disclaimer: Not nearly as controversial as the other two songs posted here, but I generally tend to despise anything -core-based, so I would easily expect to utterly hate the concept of mixing Black Metal with any kinda -core stuff. However, amazingly, this Black Metal/Deathcore mix is one of the freshest and most original things I've ever heard in all of Metal (and not just this song: the entire fucking album):

OK, so now that I've got rotten egg on my face, let's see your beloved musical flatulence.... ;):tickled: ....
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I like some songs by people like Britney and Madonna but I don't feel like I shouldn't like them.
I like some songs by people like Britney and Madonna but I don't feel like I shouldn't like them.

I'm feeling your cryptic non-cryptical meaning, brother:

(In my opinion, that is one of the greatest pop songs/music videos ever made, but then again I know fuck-all about pop music, so don't take my word for it) :tickled:;)
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I like one part of one Korn song; I forget which one.

I also like...get ready...

Style or whatever the fuck it's called by TAYLOR Fuckin' SWIFT! When I hear that chorus I CANNOT get it out of my head.
Sometimes I wonder, "Why is this thread title so confrontational?" Other times I think that we're up for another influx of teenage randoms making pointless threads. But then I check the thread's author and of course it's UA 9 times out of 10.

Also this thread covers most of what you're going for.