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Hi people!
I am a bassplayer and I have a band. I have many ideas ( riffs, chord progressions, etc ) for new songs but .. But I think it's very difficult to link all together.
Any suggestion for songwriting? Do You start from a little core then you build the structure around? Or what?
Any procedure to build a song? ( Having the right riffs, of course! )

I hope this thread is a good point of discussion!
Good playing!

GheddyRome said:
Hi people!
I am a bassplayer and I have a band. I have many ideas ( riffs, chord progressions, etc ) for new songs but .. But I think it's very difficult to link all together.
Any suggestion for songwriting? Do You start from a little core then you build the structure around? Or what?
Any procedure to build a song? ( Having the right riffs, of course! )

I hope this thread is a good point of discussion!
Good playing!


Study little bit the structures you want Main, Verse, Chorus, Main, Chorus Bridge, Main, Verse, Chorus, Outro etc...
In the beginning a simple song would be best. Do some five riffs, one main (verse), one pre-chorus, one chorus and two bridge... Then put them together with rock´n roll structure and thats it...
All you need is just doing those songs and some day those would maybe be even good ones (just like mine :grin: )

Rock´n´Roll structure (example):
Main riff (4 times)
Main riff (4 times) as Verse
Chorus (4 times)
Main riff (4 times) as Verse
Chorus (4 times)
Bridge Riffs
Main Riff (4 times)
Main riff (4 times) as Verse
Chorus (8 times)
I try to work with atmospheres/emotions, when I write something, I want it to have a certain storyline with emotions. I try to explain to the guitar player whatever direction I want to go to. Just by saying what chords, playing style etc..

I hate songs without progression (one of the things I don't like about Anathema, their songs seem to go to a climax that never comes...).

Anyway, when I come up with complete things, it's usually either Pain of Salvation style (lot's of lines, lot of emotion, open space for vocals) or Opeth-like, where the clean parts make you feel the happiness, relief or positive emotion and the heavy parts can make you feel real bad :)
Poets? ok... Try following the Rhapsody lesson: Play D&D, pretend you are an Elf or something, drink some Ale and transcribe your "adventures" with your friends as a song. Maybe it works for Death Metal too! Hmmmmmmmm...
SanderThomas said:
Usually I have more problems writing the lyrics... Any lyricwriters here? Poets maybe? :loco:

I have managed to do only two cool lyrics to my song. Those are about necrophiles, psycho killers and cannibals (so wery stupid lyrics). And about uncle Franks :loco:
I hate doing lyrics. Well sometimes it´s fun, but usually I hate it...
I am a guitar player so maybe it is different, but I can't see it being too different. When I write, I know this is going to sound fucking cheesy, I just let it flow, I start playing and when I come up with a riff I like, I fuck around with it until I am happy with it, then I will just play off that for hours writing new riffs to go with it. Usually I will get a song halfway done before I run dry(usually about 4 to 6 different riffs) and then I will go and do something else, like read, or play B-ball or write. In a couple days I will do the same thing, write half a song, I repeat this process so I have a lot of ideas and songs just floating out there, I do this until I play something that reminds me in some way of another song I almost have finished, then I will put them together and Bam! I have another song, it has sometimes taken me years to write a complete song. When I do I bring it to the band and it changes again as everybody puts in their own ideas. When the basic structure and riffs are together, I embellish the whole thing, adding harmonies, and melodies and solos and whatever I think the song needs, this process is ongoing because I can always come up with something new for a song, even if it has been played in our band for years, songs I wrote three years ago are different now because as I got better and better at what I do I would add something. So now I have monstrosities of metal and our other guitar player just quit :yell: I have an Idea though, I want to have our bass player play the main riff harmonies to pitch, like it is a second guitar, i hope it works, I am the last guitarist standing, we had three, my mentor and teacher Johnny Fingers recently moved back to Cali, and on some (read: most) of our songs we had three riffs going on at the same time, so when he left I incorporated my riffs and his, I know what everyone plays anyways so it wasn't that hard, but doing three guitar parts with just me and a bass player, now that is going to be a challenge, I am looking foward too it.