Sorry for spamming your board...


The Professor was right
Dec 11, 2005
Seattle, WA
But i have to first off say a bit THANK YOU to Andy for supporting our new venture before it was even online.

Let me give a short history. is a new metal webzine that Andy was kind enough to lend a helping hand to in our early stages, even before we were online. He put his faith in us and as such, we have delivered as one of our first ten articles, and Age of Silence review for Complications. Please check out the website, and the review is directly linked Here

Also, i am currently transcribing the Age of Silence/Winds interview that will be up by the end of the week. Again, thank you Andy for helping us out. I'll post the link as soon as that interview hits the site, hopefully monday or tuesday!

I know, this is :Spam: , but i am hoping this is on topic enough for you guys. If not, please forgive me and disregard!
i really like the voice arrangement, though the keyboards are too far in the backround