Sorry to bring up another one but .


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
. . someone here I know can help me with this, it has plague me for a long time.

Did Jesus ever exist? If so, does anyone have any solid evidence?

Please don't beat me up for bringing up religion again. :saint:

I'd like to keep it to just the life of Jesus and his possible existence rather than a full blown out argument about religion.
I wonder... how do you even determine if he existed? Like... how, what method would you use? I don't understand how we can confirm someone who was supposed to exist two THOUSAND years ago...

yeah good call. I guess thats why sooooo many religions, especially christians have to rely on faith, bc there isnt really a way to prove it I guess.
Christians... lol, they seriously think Jesus was blonde and had blue eyes, if he existed.

FROM WHAT PART OF THE WORLD DID HE COME FROM YOU STUPID SHITS? Jesus christ (pun intended), they're morons.
We would know if he was real or not by historical records. The bible is the only document I'm aware of that speaks of him. Something like the crucifixion of Jesus would be well documented in Roman texts as well, no?

If this man was walking on water etc... one would think there would be more documentation of his existence then the bible alone. There were many well known historians in that time frame and none of them speak of jesus.
Yeah but I myself don't trust "ancient" history that much. How do I know how much the texts have been tampered with? I mean, I trust modern history books that speak of WWII etc etc, but too far back in time and it starts to get fuzzy imo. So if they have written about Jesus or not, I don't know.
Yeah but I myself don't trust "ancient" history that much. How do I know how much the texts have been tampered with? I mean, I trust modern history books that speak of WWII etc etc, but too far back in time and it starts to get fuzzy imo. So if they have written about Jesus or not, I don't know.

Any number of things could be done to the records but it still doesn't change the fact that there hasn't ever been any 3rd party records found that exactly and clearly states "Jesus Christ of Bethlehem" a man who performed miracles existed. If somebody was performing incredible miracles that Jesus is said to have done in the bible, there would without a doubt be at least some written evidence of it. Rome was an advanced civilization with many writers and historians.

Also another thing to keep in mind is that Jesus wasn't an uncommon name in those times and in certain parts of the world is still quite popular.

You are correct about the blonde hair, blue eyes thing. If he actually did exist Jesus would have had a dark complexion and features.
As far as I know, most historians agree that around that time, there was guy, who was probably preaching stuff, and was named Jesus. There was alot of other guys around that time aswell, all claiming to be the messiah, or sent from god so it's a pretty vague description. And he probably did end up crucified, as were many others at the time. Penn & Teller did a pretty good show about the subject called "The Bible, fact or fiction", on their show Bullshit. There, they name a jewish historian as well as a roman one, who both tell about a guy named Jesus doing preaching stuff around that time, who did end up crucified.
As far as I know, most historians agree that around that time, there was guy, who was probably preaching stuff, and was named Jesus. There was alot of other guys around that time aswell, all claiming to be the messiah, or sent from god so it's a pretty vague description. And he probably did end up crucified, as were many others at the time. Penn & Teller did a pretty good show about the subject called "The Bible, fact or fiction", on their show Bullshit. There, they name a jewish historian as well as a roman one, who both tell about a guy named Jesus doing preaching stuff around that time, who did end up crucified.

Interesting. I'll have to find a copy of that.
Yeah... religion is a funny thing alright.

I don't mind religion, sometimes it actually appears appealing (a-words ftw), but lot of the times it just pisses me the fuck off. Mostly due to the totally unnecessary blood shed because of different religions trying to bash each other's skulls in with their own ideology. But also because when people need help at most, they don't get squat, no magic dude descends to help 'em out, but still after the rainy seasons in their lives they go back to believing that there must've been a good reason for not getting helped by their religion.

Oops, I'm drilling off from the topic again :|
I imagine there is a good chance that some Jew roamed around trying to change people's lives or minds for the better and ended up executed for it.

What became of his legacy a few hundred years later is an entirely different matter. :rolleyes:
Yeah but I myself don't trust "ancient" history that much. How do I know how much the texts have been tampered with? I mean, I trust modern history books that speak of WWII etc etc, but too far back in time and it starts to get fuzzy imo. So if they have written about Jesus or not, I don't know.

i don't know, man...i'd believe some shit that was scrawled on a piece of papyrus with a fountain pen, or that was etched in a slab of stone long before i would believe any of the misconstrued bullshit that we've been fed in regards to WWII and any other conflict in "recent" times
It's not like anything with his signature is still around.... Unlike another historical figure, Julius Caesar. ....I saw a TV show a while back where they auctioned off something with his signature for 10 grand.
Actually yes, there seemed to be some guy named Jesus back then, there were some historians a while back who discovered some facts that match with such a person.

However, solid evidence is hard with any research that deals with eras that are thousands of years old. My personal opinion is that there was such a guy who might have been very generous and warm-hearted so people took his spirit and put some fairytales around it, something like that...

I guess something like that is pretty likely.

A bit off-topic here but still in the same interest... I think there is more "evidence" of Mohammed existing, than Jesus though, or am I wrong? I've heard there are museums in Turkey that have a fragment of his skeleton but how they know it's really him is out of my understanding. But since Mohammed was supposed to exist about 1300 years ago, there might be more stuff about him lying around than Jesus.

There is also another profet type of guy who wielded a sword with 2 blades, that is supposed to weigh so much that an avarage warrior of those days couldn't wield it with 2 hands, but this profet took it out on battle with just one hand. This sword actually does exist and is somewhere in Turkey also. Doens't have to do much with the topic but it's kinda freakin' cool :D
They could see if there was any viable DNA left in the skeletal fragments and clone him! :heh:

Anyways, I don't see any facepalm going on here at all. It seems like every thread discussing religion and politics is deemed an instant (insert overused internet catch phrase of the week here). It's fun to discuss history! We are in the off-topic forum aren't we? When these kind of topics can be discussed in an unbiased and civil manner it's completely cool and reflects the maturity and intellect of everyone taking part. This forum is full of excellent people and the only one I've seen that keeps the peace very well...with the exception of Mac vs. PC threads. :lol:

I think it would be interesting if concrete evidence is discovered proving the Jesus in the bible did exist, miracles/son of god or not.