Christians... lol, they seriously think Jesus was blonde and had blue eyes, if he existed.
FROM WHAT PART OF THE WORLD DID HE COME FROM YOU STUPID SHITS? Jesus christ (pun intended), they're morons.
anyway, to the original question.... there are certainly some mentions of him in various Roman historical writings, some of them nearly 100 years after his death was presumed to have occurred, that are commonly used to argue his actual existence. it's really unclear though, because most of the few mentions of him in these old writings are often argued to be "pious frauds"... or "little while lies" that were considered forgivable in that they promoted faith. this practice was proven to have been perpetrated by some very respected early religious historians. so really, i don't think it's possible to truly know.
As far as I know, most historians agree that around that time, there was guy, who was probably preaching stuff, and was named Jesus. There was alot of other guys around that time aswell, all claiming to be the messiah, or sent from god so it's a pretty vague description. And he probably did end up crucified, as were many others at the time. Penn & Teller did a pretty good show about the subject called "The Bible, fact or fiction", on their show Bullshit. There, they name a jewish historian as well as a roman one, who both tell about a guy named Jesus doing preaching stuff around that time, who did end up crucified.
Something like the crucifixion of Jesus would be well documented in Roman texts as well, no?
If this man was walking on water etc... one would think there would be more documentation of his existence then the bible alone. There were many well known historians in that time frame and none of them speak of jesus.
every source you mentioned... especially the last one, which i already addressed, have been criticized as being potential incidents of "pious fraud". i have not claimed to believe or disbelieve either possiblity, legitimite or fraudulent records, only that this claim has been made, and in some cases proven [presumably via forensic document analysis].Not 100% true.
Several historians documented one Jewish man named Jesus/Christ that had allot of followers during his lifetime(The name alters between Jesus/Christ in these documents, but describes the same man.).
There are other documents from Jewish sources at the time that claims that a man named Jesus should be stoned for practicing sorcery.
So most "evidence" of his existence appeared after his death, but there where some non-religious historical documents from his lifetime that mentioned him.
I want to recall that the crucifixion was documented by the romans at the time as well?
Yeah. (Dunno about the 2nd reich)
So basically the answer is no, save for a couple unprovable writings. Even The New Testament says very little about him. I asked because I usually tell people that the Jesus from the Bible probably didn't exist. Most people, be it Atheist, Agnostic or Theist (they freak out) respond with something along the lines of "I think he existed" or "They have proven he existed on such and such History doc." Faith? well it's faith. Where are the Docs? or "writings" and are they provable facts?
So you see I don't want to keep saying "Jesus from the Bible probably didn't exist" (as described) if there is/are solid evidence that he (the man) existed but somehow eludes me to no end.
every source you mentioned... especially the last one, which i already addressed, have been criticized as being potential incidents of "pious fraud". i have not claimed to believe or disbelieve either possiblity, legitimite or fraudulent records, only that this claim has been made, and in some cases proven [presumably via forensic document analysis].
i don't really care personally either way.
Christians... lol, they seriously think Jesus was blonde and had blue eyes, if he existed.
FROM WHAT PART OF THE WORLD DID HE COME FROM YOU STUPID SHITS? Jesus christ (pun intended), they're morons.
i'd like to see an arab with blonde hair and blue eyes.
As to the original topic, yes there is historical evidence on that fact that Jesus did exist. Josephus is the Jewish historian previously mentioned is one source. The New Testament itself is evidence because it is essentially a compilation of letters and first hand accounts of His disciples. Now before you say I can't count that as evidence because it wasn't written by Jesus Himself, ask yourself first why would 12 guys leave their jobs (a few of them were pretty dang rich), hang out and wander around for 3 years and make up a guy who defied every system known to man and only be killed.
Thats just it. Why did it take decades upon decades to tell the story? I'm not totally sure of the time line seems no one is but it seems to me these "12" would have been dead before any mention of Jesus was made. Did they even exist?
I'm still researching.
Jesus did exist,
He lived on fifth ave and did work on my car.
Honestly dude, it's probably going to be a fruitless search. Just spare yourself some trouble and bail on it.
Thats just it. Why did it take decades upon decades to tell the story? I'm not totally sure of the time line seems no one is but it seems to me these "12" would have been dead before any mention of Jesus was made. Did they even exist?
I'm still researching.