Self Portrait
but still after the rainy seasons in their lives they go back to believing that there must've been a good reason for not getting helped by their religion.
This is what gets me. "It wasn't meant to be", "God has other plans for you", "It's not Gods will", "God helps those that help themselves"

People will justify anything when it comes to their religion.
Religion, the longer I live the more I dislike it.
Same here. I've always hated and never understood the KFC syndrome (killing for christianity). All the bloodshed and total disrespect for others that don't have the same religious views.
Although I never went to church (and therefore my education on religion is very limited) I always had my own personal relationship with god and had FAITH that everything would work out for me in one way or another and ultimately I would be happy in life. I never believed that one had to go to church and practice religion to believe in and have a personal relationship with god.
A religious person would say that because Eve bit the apple, mankind has been destined to suffer... another justification.
Howard Stern once said that there is no god and there is no reason why we are all here and that its all just a fluke. Not a good source at all, I know (although he rocks) but its another simple view to consider. I do admit though that I find that highly unlikely because that would be one hell of a fluke. The questions do remain, How did we come to be and why are we here? How did the universe come to be? An all mighty God who is probably far out of our understanding seems like the only other explanation.
As far as believing in god goes these days for me, it's constantly back and forth but the older I get, the less I believe.