Sorry to bring up another one but .

but still after the rainy seasons in their lives they go back to believing that there must've been a good reason for not getting helped by their religion.

This is what gets me. "It wasn't meant to be", "God has other plans for you", "It's not Gods will", "God helps those that help themselves" :rolleyes:
People will justify anything when it comes to their religion.

Religion, the longer I live the more I dislike it.

Same here. I've always hated and never understood the KFC syndrome (killing for christianity). All the bloodshed and total disrespect for others that don't have the same religious views.

Although I never went to church (and therefore my education on religion is very limited) I always had my own personal relationship with god and had FAITH that everything would work out for me in one way or another and ultimately I would be happy in life. I never believed that one had to go to church and practice religion to believe in and have a personal relationship with god.

A religious person would say that because Eve bit the apple, mankind has been destined to suffer... another justification.

Howard Stern once said that there is no god and there is no reason why we are all here and that its all just a fluke. Not a good source at all, I know (although he rocks) but its another simple view to consider. I do admit though that I find that highly unlikely because that would be one hell of a fluke. The questions do remain, How did we come to be and why are we here? How did the universe come to be? An all mighty God who is probably far out of our understanding seems like the only other explanation.

As far as believing in god goes these days for me, it's constantly back and forth but the older I get, the less I believe.
Oh yeah...



Christians... lol, they seriously think Jesus was blonde and had blue eyes, if he existed.

FROM WHAT PART OF THE WORLD DID HE COME FROM YOU STUPID SHITS? Jesus christ (pun intended), they're morons.

Ok. "Morons" is harsh. Many of these morons are our parents, grandparents, wives, friends and co-workers who for the most part seem like or are at least fairly intelligent, good people. Misguided and brainwashed would possibly more accurate.
Growing up we all want to be accepted by everyone and many at a very early age in life choose to do that by going with the grain, following the leader.
If they see no reason why they shouldn't believe than I imagine that (along with their young age) would contribute to the brainwashing.

I admit, I've been guilty of calling them morons as well. :bah:
Word, my Mom is a Christian, and she attends church every Sunday, and I have to admit, it's a really fantastic community of nice, intelligent people (it's a non-denominational church, which helps - Catholicism is a whole 'nother story :Smug: ), and my Dad goes mostly for that reason (he's pretty eastern with his views on religion/spirituality). If it gives people fulfillment, then whatever, let them; I mock her mercilessly whenever she brings up "that Jesus crap" as I call it, and she just laughs it off and has a sense of humor; believe me, I know how much fundamentalists are dangerous and I curse the ground they walk on, but average everyday people who have faith and keep it to themselves are definitely out there, and that's worth remembering I think. :)
Word, my Mom is a Christian, and she attends church every Sunday, and I have to admit, it's a really fantastic community of nice, intelligent people (it's a non-denominational church, which helps - Catholicism is a whole 'nother story :Smug: ), and my Dad goes mostly for that reason (he's pretty eastern with his views on religion/spirituality). If it gives people fulfillment, then whatever, let them; I mock her mercilessly whenever she brings up "that Jesus crap" as I call it, and she just laughs it off and has a sense of humor; believe me, I know how much fundamentalists are dangerous and I curse the ground they walk on, but average everyday people who have faith and keep it to themselves are definitely out there, and that's worth remembering I think. :)

That's cool, but people don't realize and need to, that the opposite is true. There's perfectly awesome people out there helping others and keeping it real and they believe in one life and no gods.



Why though? You might learn something. Do you think its all total crap so much that its not even worth discussing? I'm not trying to be disrespectful, just curious coming from one fairly open minded individual as myself.

I think this is a great thread.


There's been threads before . I've read every fuckin book and watched every History channel special about this crap that I could and theres no real point in debating it to me. I personally don't want to know anyway. I don't believe in god I never have I never will.

Talking about it is like shooting pool with a rope to me.

Besides it sucks all the fun out of the OTT.
I like to think this section should be full of stupid threads, not pondering the meaning of life and the cosmos etc. :) And if there is to be that stuff, it should be in like one mega thread. No disrespect to Socialnumb or anyone else that likes these inquisitive threads, I just think we've beat the shit out of this topic and we end up gettin nowhere.

There's been threads before . I've read every fuckin book and watched every History channel special about this crap that I could and theres no real point in debating it to me. I personally don't want to know anyway. I don't believe in god I never have I never will.

Talking about it is like shooting pool with a rope to me.

Besides it sucks all the fun out of the OTT.
I like to think this section should be full of stupid threads, not pondering the meaning of life and the cosmos etc. :) And if there is to be that stuff, it should be in like one mega thread. No disrespect to Socialnumb or anyone else that likes these inquisitive threads, I just think we've beat the shit out of this topic and we end up gettin nowhere.

Okay. :Saint:
I'm no historian but from what I remember in school Jesus definitely did exist and he was a good dude. It's a shame that so many have taken what he stands for and abused it. And I agree with what Metaltastic said earlier, most Christians are good people though far too many of them worship things blindly. It sucks that so many metalheads bash all Christians as though they are genuinely evil. To me, that's the same thing all the racist American trash do -- they dislike blacks because some blacks are thieves or gangsters or whatever.

That's all I have to say about that.
I just want to know if the guy existed. Wasn't trying to start a debate on religion, or trying to bash it. Done that before sure but that wasn't the point.

Common, it's the thread you hate but can't refrain from posting in or reading.:heh:
I don't hate it. It's an interesting but ultimately futile debate.

To me, the idea of a guy called Jesus who went around teaching/preaching and being a general good egg seems very plausible. However, I doubt he could actually walk on water, turn water into wine and shoot rockets from his ass....

To me the bible has a lot of decent enough morals and valuable lessons that can help some people lead "better" or more wholesome lives. But I do still think that anyone that believes it entirely at face value is a cretin, because when taken literally it clearly defies overhwhelming observable evidence.
I find it funny and ironic that the bible is the worlds most shoplifted book in the world.
yeah, that's a great statistic..... reminds me for some reason of some relatives of mine that are full-on Fundamentalist Southern Baptist bible-thumpers, constantly preaching the 10 Commandments to any and all who they can get to listen... and believe implicitly that the King James (and ONLY the King James) version of the Bible is THE "living word of god" and is absolutely literal, correct, and unimpeachable....

... yeah, they've asked me several times to duplicate Gospel CDs that they've borrowed for them and their friends/congregation... commercially manufactured and current CDs that they just want to steal and not pay for. you literally canNOT say a thing that will cause them to see the irony and hypocrisy in that.

i guess the "absolute" nature of the rules embodied in the good 'ol KJB only apply to them when it's convenient. i didn't copy the CDs for them... we're family though, so they got over it.

praise yeshua

... yeah, they've asked me several times to duplicate Gospel CDs that they've borrowed for them and their friends/congregation... commercially manufactured and current CDs that they just want to steal and not pay for. you literally canNOT say a thing that will cause them to see the irony and hypocrisy in that.

That’s what I find hilarious about religion, it’s the sheer blind hypocrisy of a large proportion of religious individuals, rather than the morals and teachings of the religion itself.

Like James' above story - it’s the same with the atheist bus campain; Christians were complaining about it all over the place, claiming it to be offensive because “you can’t prove god doesn’t exist”. Irony must have been a heavily ignored subject in the bible…