

Death is life
Dec 6, 2001
I wonder if Dan and Mikael Akerfeldt will ever release any of the Sorskogen stuff they did.. or perhaps some new material. I've wanted to hear that for ages now. Camel is one of the greatest prog rock bands of all time, so Mikael and Dan doing Camel-esque things has to be good.
Hell yeah, I remember hearing about this project last year sometime! That would be some terrific stuff! Hopefully Dan has this in mind for some of his "new goodies" he's promising us!
I'd love that, but I'm kind of doubting it since Opeth is putting out that double CD. Plus there's the new Bloodbath that'll also keep Mikael busy. Opeth'll probably tour after the release of the double CD. Perhaps some day, though, we will see some Sorskogen.
Hey! I just found the one and only officially recorded (at Dan's studio) Sorskogen song.. I can send it to anyone and everyone if you give me an ICQ or AIM #.. Let me know.

By the by, Dan does keyboards (there's a really awesome solo at the end of the song), drums and bass. The song is amazing. I have a feeling the 2nd new Opeth CD (the mellow one) might sound a bit like this. This is like mellow Opeth (ala Credence, etc.) mixed with Camel (if you haven't heard Camel, you should be ashamed).
Damn, I don't have ICQ or AIM! GRRRRR!!! I'm sure it will be released someday, particularly if it's already recorded and it's simply a matter of being remixed/remastered, etc. I'd just as soon have this new Bloodbath and new Opeth first, though, plus Dan is supposed to be busy with the new Nightingale this year as well. Can it be found on AudioGalaxy, maybe? I'll look into it...
After hearing Sorskogen, I'd rather have a full length of that than new Opeth, Bloodbath, OR Nightingale. There's only 1 officially recorded song and two other songs that were written.. I'd like to have more than an MCD/EP though.
I went and downloaded the song from AudioGalaxy, and you were right: it's fucking TERRIFIC! I was blown away. Mikael's clean vocals sound so much better here than on the Opeth albums (they still sound fine on those albums, mind you). Great stuff! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Yes, I too would like to see a full-length from this project rather than Bloodbath, but I think that the next Nightingale is gonna be tremendous, if they stick to the plan that Dan once informed me of: it's supposed to be really symphonic with longer, more epic songs. You never know, maybe Dan has an albums' worth of material from this project lying around in his vaults and just may release it for us someday--keep the fingers crossed!
It's really more of a Mikael Akerfeldt project than Dan.. Sorskogen is Mikael's home town in Sweden, the songs are, as he says, nostalgic songs about the town and perhaps his life. He wrote it all and whatnot and claims there are 3 written songs, one professionally recorded with Dan on the aforementioned instruments.
Ah, I see. Well, wasn't Mikael supposed to do a clean vocal project with a couple guys from Spiritual Beggars? Wonder whatever happened to that idea, cause apparently Music For Nations was even looking to sign them. If he doesn't ever do Sorskogen again, it will be cool if he gets this on the go, but he will have a busy year ahead of him if he did so, what with the new Bloodbath and the 2 CD project from Opeth due to be released sometime this year...
Ah, I hadn't heard of that project with Spiritual Beggars members.. Though I'm not a huge fan of "stoner rock," so I don't know if I'd be into it.. Though I suppose it wouldn't have to be stoner rock just because it's Spiritual Beggars members.. Mike Amott does many other things as do the others. Now I'm rambling.

Anyway, we should start a coalition to spark the writing/recording of more Sorskogen.
Hey guys,
this track is so amazingly good!!
We need mooooooore!!!!
I really hope, too, that this will be one of the goodies Dan spoke from.
Where this track is released? A sampler?
Originally posted by wardwarf
Ah, I hadn't heard of that project with Spiritual Beggars members.. Though I'm not a huge fan of "stoner rock," so I don't know if I'd be into it.. Though I suppose it wouldn't have to be stoner rock just because it's Spiritual Beggars members.. Mike Amott does many other things as do the others. Now I'm rambling.

Anyway, we should start a coalition to spark the writing/recording of more Sorskogen.

Yeah, it's not supposed to have a single thing to do with stoner rock--it's supposed to be really laid back, acoustics, harmony vocals, etc. It sounds pretty cool, but like I said, I can't see Mikael fitting it into his schedule anytime soon. I definitely agree with the Sorskogen coalition! Maybe we should all try e-mailing Mikael and Dan or something, that would be a start... :cool:
In response to Unicorn:

I don't think it's on any CDs at all. The mp3 originated at Opeth's Web site 1-2 years ago, posted by Mikael, but the server it was on quickly died. After a year of searching, I found a Web site with it, and then I noticed it was on Audiogalaxy as well.

In response to Doucheman:

Let's do it! Let's get the entire board to start a "Save Sorskogen" coalition!

I do have one sneaking feeling though.. I have a feeling Mikael might use the other two Sorskogen songs that he wrote as songs on the upcoming 'Mellow' Opeth CD. I just would much rather have a Sorskogen album because I love those Camel-esque keyboards and overall progrockishness.
Yeah, I could definitely be part of this "coalition" you mentioned, but am unsure of how effective it would be: judging by this thread, you and I are two of the only people interested in this project, and this board is so frequently inactive to flat-out DEAD that I fail to see how much of a case we could build. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to try! Let me know if you get any ideas or where to start and I'll follow right along... ;)
Since the fate of Sorskogen really lies solely in the hands of Mikael Akerfeldt, I think I'm gonna try shooting him an e-mail. That's a start, I suppose.
Originally posted by wardwarf
Since the fate of Sorskogen really lies solely in the hands of Mikael Akerfeldt, I think I'm gonna try shooting him an e-mail. That's a start, I suppose.

I suppose I should do the same. I've never e-mailed him before, so this will be another oportunity for me to open up some dialogue with another Swedish metal god! (I regularly exchange e-mails with both Dan and Vintersorg!) :cool:
I talk to Dan fairly often as well.. Haven't tried Vintersorg ever. I just got a reply from Dan about Sorskogen, he said he'd really like to do a full length and recommended that I e-mail Mike.. so I sent him an e-mail and we'll see if he replies (on the Web site it says replies aren't guaranteed, so we'll see).

I can't get over Dan's drumming on that Sorskogen song.. He sounds like Neil Peart.. as Dan said, "it was a once in a lifetime kind of thing."
Originally posted by wardwarf
I talk to Dan fairly often as well.. Haven't tried Vintersorg ever. I just got a reply from Dan about Sorskogen, he said he'd really like to do a full length and recommended that I e-mail Mike.. so I sent him an e-mail and we'll see if he replies (on the Web site it says replies aren't guaranteed, so we'll see).

You got a reply from Dan that quickly?! Shit, I sent him a couple e-mails from like 3 weeks ago that he never bothered replying to--I wonder if they made it through to him or not? That's cool that he would be interested in doing Sorskogen, so maybe I'll drop Mikael a line in a sec as well...
Originally posted by wardwarf
Hmm.. that's odd.. I e-mailed Dan earlier today and got a reply like 30 minutes after.. hehe. is mikael's e-mail.

Heh, just after I finished that quote, I went and checked my e-mail and lo and behold, he replied to both of them! :D He must be answering all his e-mails tonight, or something. Dan, if you are around here and read that, please disregard...