Sounds of Decay- Begotten


Jun 4, 2003
Ann Arbor Michigan U.S.
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Have any of you seen the movie Begotten? It is where the cover for Sounds Of Decay comes from. I bought it awhile back and it is a fucked up flick!!!!
I would urge all of you to check it out. It is pretty much impossible to get the full meaning of the film for me, for its strangeness is completely confusing. There is no words, just sounds and visuals. It is almost too much to watch, and then sometimes too little to watch. I guess it is supposed to have to do with (of course) death and life, the cycle of it all as well as alot of pain. Do you think that they had the actual movie in mind when they chose the cover?
Any thoughts, comments?
Deliverance6 said:
Have any of you seen the movie Begotten? It is where the cover for Sounds Of Decay comes from. I bought it awhile back and it is a fucked up flick!!!!
I guess it is supposed to have to do with (of course) death and life, the cycle of it all as well as alot of pain. Do you think that they had the actual movie in mind when they chose the cover?
Any thoughts, comments?

so far i remember Sounds of Decay's cover should represent "God's suicide". the idea came from Roberto Mamarella (at Avantgarde Music), known for his morbid taste.
have heard about the film before, but haven't seen it myself. where did you buy it from?
can i find it anywhere on the internet?
I am sure you could find it for cheap on ebay. We do have a few underground movie joints in my town "thank god" and I bought it in one of those. I am not sure what kind of release it had when it came out but I suspect it was just in film festivals, not in many theaters. Check out ebay though, Im sure you could get one for ten bucks or so. ;)
I have it as an .avi because it has a US-only release. It's impossible to get it her ein Europe without importing it, unfortunately.

As for the film itself - the first few minutes with "God Killing Himself" are interesting to watch, but after that it just becomes far too boring and obscure to pay attention to, imo.
i had even doubts about finding it somewhere on the world wide web, but well, it's great to know it's possible to get it in a traditional way. of course, ebay all the way, i take a look. thanks for the advice. :)