speaking of americans....

ledmag said:
sure there is a differece....some smart asses, when they dont know the answer, they ask in a smart ass way so it doesnt make them look stupid.

We should not have given the Jap....a chance to hit us. And we lagged again on 9/11...

Dude, "I" "think" "you" "need" "to" "start" "using" "quotation" "marks" "to" "show" "when" "your" "being" "a" "smart" "ass" "or" "not". :grin:
Agree with Ledmag.

Anyway, I tend not to speak my opinions because, they are just that, my opinions. But I do post facts and I base my opinions on facts. Some say War isn't the Answer, well, war is never the answer. But leaving this guy alone to his on devices isn't wise either. Also, Chirac really doesn't want to us to find his weapons in Iraq, that is why he doesn't want us to go.
Everyones got weapons in Iraq. Britain has sold to him. America PUT him there in the first place. France, Germany, even fucking pakistan has sold weapons to the maniac. Anyone who gets sho there is likely to be shot be a WESTERN weapon.

Led- They won't take him out covertly because the papers need BIG flashy pics of fighter jets bombing the shit out of places to take attention away from the domestic situation. Why does france oppose? Becase unlike most of the world france it pretty OK at home now.

And if Godddamn insane goes who's to say that every thing will be peachy? They might get someone worse. And then you'd really be fucked.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Why does france oppose? Becase unlike most of the world france it pretty OK at home now.

No, situation in France is PRETTY fucked up...
i won t go into any explanations about what i say, cos it ll take a long time. it s a music forum . but of course if anyone wants my point of view over france' actual situation, i ll gladly respond.

i am a french partriot.i am against war for all the consequences that it implies. Bush s government is doing something stupid and it is NOT only a matter of terrorism. GODDAMN IT GO LOOK AT NORTH KOREA, are they troubled in any way???
yet CHIRAC IS NOT WORTH SHIT either. here we call him "superliar" and he benefits from his president status to erase all the fucked up shit he did in his past before being president. And lets face it, french government has a lot of interests in iraq. chirac doesnt want war because of that too, his intentions are not that noble.

we are all manipulated, 100 peoples are deciding the fate of us all, LET S KILL THE BASTARDS IN CHARGE!!!
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Everyones got weapons in Iraq. Britain has sold to him. America PUT him there in the first place. France, Germany, even fucking pakistan has sold weapons to the maniac. Anyone who gets sho there is likely to be shot be a WESTERN weapon.

And if Godddamn insane goes who's to say that every thing will be peachy? They might get someone worse. And then you'd really be fucked.

Dude, believe what you want to believe. The war will happen, they always do, and there has always been people who disagree and people who agree. However, if the rest of the free world would back up the war againts terrorist the only war would be in Korea. But we can't even get enough nation to agree on how to disarm Iraq and rid them of the dictator.

And as far as Iraq getting worse dictator then Saddam, I highly doubt that! Nevertheless if that does happen, well, then they will just have to be moved from office.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Bouba- What do you think we call blair? WE can probably match you fuck up for fuck up. I like the idea about disposing of world leaders. That might help.
Thesin-War probably will happen. i'm just saying it shouldn't. And if you cant remove this one, what do you do to the next? Ask nicely?

I thought thats what you wanted us to do this time. He will be removed. Well as long as the government doesn't let the libreals dictate what the job is.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Anywhere going to war not involving the US would benifit the USA. Who do you think they buy guns from?

France, Russia, various Asian countries, probably quite a few South American, European & even Middle Eastern countries as well. Nice attempt to take a dig at the US foreign policy though. :rolleyes:
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Because the US never sells weapons to terrorists*cough*IRA*cough.

Demented ravings from an internet cafe in glasgow

Just because sympathetic pro-IRA groups (made up of primarily native Irish and Irish-American citizens in cities with very large Irish populations - Boston, New York City, Baltimore, Washington D.C.) help supply funding and munitions to the IRA in Ireland, that doesn't mean the U.S. Government is "selling weapons to terrorists," as you'd have us believe. Get your facts straight boy, you demented twit.