Spiritualized can eat a bag of holding of dicks AKA the KAYO DOT SHOW in NYC

Nick looks like


Zach Galifianakis
this is mia.
i *just* decided to get rid of the "screwdriverqueen" account, and create this one, (i got a sudden twinge of hate for the sdq name) when i realized that you probably now think that i'm the spare mia, especially because i'm using her, i mean, my livejournal name.
im one of the retards , who showed up too late... i must have caught the last 5 minute outro to "manifold curiosity" no matter i got my cd and im happy :cool: p.s the girl giving tickets for downstairs should have at least had a sign near her or something, i thought she was just sitting around.
xfer said:
I framed this picture perfectly. As the flash fired, Greg thrashed so hard he ducked completely out of view:
Greg thrashed so hard he was able to give Alex a great shot of not just his trusted Mesa Boogie amplifier but the 5150 Greg had to borrow from Behold the Arctopus because his trusty Mesa Boogie blew three tubes after he finished the Antique.

ps. the amp couldn't handle the "metal"
Avi: i had noticed that the tubes were in desperate need of a change about a month ago. i mean the amp just didn't sound the same. So i was going to order new tubes next week anyway. but still, it was definitely less embarassing than the string break incident.