
you should quantize the guitars and chop the tails of all the palm mutes it would make the beginning sound neater. It is kinda boring, try to use some synth or something. how did you do that laser sound right before the chorus.
Lasse, I do see the frustration from a professional engineers point of view, but equally do you really mean that someone starting from scratch shouldn't record anyone at all until they feel they're ready to charge full professional prices?
Lasse, I do see the frustration from a professional engineers point of view, but equally do you really mean that someone starting from scratch shouldn't record anyone at all until they feel they're ready to charge full professional prices?

id be inclined to agree with him
i started trying to charge for recording back when my stuff was purely average sounding and i had much less of an idea of what i was doing
it never took off and i decided to wait a while longer

the occaisional bit of work i get now is from people coming to me, not me going to them, and to me that says a whole lot
Lasse, I do see the frustration from a professional engineers point of view, but equally do you really mean that someone starting from scratch shouldn't record anyone at all until they feel they're ready to charge full professional prices?

I don't think that's what he meant exactly.
I don't think that someone starting from scratch should be charging money for their services or running any kind of studio though.
Lasse, I do see the frustration from a professional engineers point of view, but equally do you really mean that someone starting from scratch shouldn't record anyone at all until they feel they're ready to charge full professional prices?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a little money from people to record them, even if it's one's first time to ever record anything. However, if one doesn't know what a low pass filter is, or know the difference between a low pass and a shelf EQ (among other things)...then they should not be portraying themselves as commercial studio. I guess I'll have to stop here, because apparently the truth is a hard pill to swallow, and Mr. Supreme Moderator (not you, Lasse :wave:) may decide to delete my post again. :bah:
but im not a beginner, im just not too familiar with the termanologies.

and im not portraying myself as a commercial studio
its all underground stuff for fun

but doin this stuff for free for strangers is kinda lag
like, i record with my friends for free

but people do ask me to record
i dont think 100 bucks for a demo is bad
i think doing this has really helped my exerience
especially with dealing with other people

and the glitch thing
its easy
you take a fraction of a guitar part or sample you want to extend/exadurate and you copy/paste for as long as you want the glitch to go on

i really like how joey does his
and i dont have the fancy software to do it
so i do it from scratch by just fucking up the tail of the track

it was kinda rushed though
but thanks for noticing

and i was going to do some lead synth but i dont know how to use my keystudio 491 usb midi controller with reaper ( i just started using it recently )

and i was thinking of sidechaining the kick and the guitars thats chugging

did anybody think the guitar tone was shit at all?
notice that kinda high sizzle still?
should i cut more of the highs ?
or will the guitars lose the body?
Not too familiar with punctuation either by the looks of things.

haha, of course you always have something nice to say.

what did you think of the recording?
i really want to hear what your thoughts are
you seem to be a real constructive critic. haha

and any constructive criticism would be awesome
so what you think about this idea. to make new thread called something like this: "Nooby Corner/ask about anything of music production" cos i search lot of stuff here but there are sooo many threads and same things maybe couple times so i dont wanna make a new thread about example: how i use eq? so that kind of thread could keep things maybe little bit more order cos i got also pretty noob questions cos i am a noob and just begin to learning things and i gues that pros could maybe answer my questions gladly if i dont make new thread about every fucking question. so what you guys think it could keep this awesome forum
more in order :wave:
This will not end well.

It could. He'll either get butthurt, rage at me then leave or take it sportingly and stick around and eventually get better at the craft.
He hasn't raged at me, so I've got all the more respect for him and for that, I'm gonna critique his mix, CONSTRUCTIVELY at that, cos I'm just that nice a guy.
dude its the fact that you portray yourself to be a little bit more educated with this stuff then you actually are...just like lasse said, if you dont know as much then thats all well and good, just ask some questions,dont claim to know alot because if you did then you would know the basics and the terminology first ie- low pass filtering...theres a ton of hobbyists on this being one of them,id love to make a living off of this but until i feel i have the knowledge and gear to release pro sounding material this will stay a hobby. im fortunate enough to have a friend at a studio who throws me some work here and there but even when he does that i tell him to name the price since i dont have the experience that i feel i need yet. however i became fairly decent at doing drum work and am credited on 2 cds therefore i do claim to know a decent amount about that, but in this industry thats a very very small thing.

and def dont go trying to report people and get them banned for there posts. that my friend, is a surefire way to create more enemies then friends around here, this forum can get brutal sometimes but imho thats what makes this place good, people arent afraid to tell you if your material sucks, or if your doing something horribly wrong. if there being a dick about it then deal with it, there still giving you good advice along the way.

to clear things up a little bit, for starters, exactly how much experience/knowledge do u have. and be strait up, honestly nobody really cares, and if you portray yourself as you actually are then i bet you will get alot more answers and help along the way.
so what you think about this idea. to make new thread called something like this: "Nooby Corner/ask about anything of music production" cos i search lot of stuff here but there are sooo many threads and same things maybe couple times so i dont wanna make a new thread about example: how i use eq? so that kind of thread could keep things maybe little bit more order cos i got also pretty noob questions cos i am a noob and just begin to learning things and i gues that pros could maybe answer my questions gladly if i dont make new thread about every fucking question. so what you guys think it could keep this awesome forum
more in order :wave:

It's a cool idea I suppose, but the forum isn't quite big or active enough yet. It'll only segregate the community into a couple of seperate smaller communities.
The occaisional dude comes on here and starts asking nooby questions and get butthurt when total cunts like myself have a laugh at their expense, but some people shrug it off and stick around and get good at an astronomical rate.

A year on this forum surrounded by guys like Lasse, Ermin, Ryan, Oz, etc will make your shit do such a huge leap in quality it's not even funny. A beginner's corner isn't really going to help all that much.

Anyway, crit coming in another post Line (what's your real name by the way?)
It could. He'll either get butthurt, rage at me then leave or take it sportingly and stick around and eventually get better at the craft.
He hasn't raged at me, so I've got all the more respect for him and for that, I'm gonna critique his mix, CONSTRUCTIVELY at that, cos I'm just that nice a guy.

you just took my whole speech and summed it up into a couple good sentences

Hey Line Level....
after you had reported this thread I of course had to check it, cause I take these reports very seriously.
But I have to admit that I have no idea what you actually want me to do probably don't want to hear it, but I have to agree with this post actually

Also with what Sigmund said.

to elaborate a bit further (or actually repeat what greywolf said):
This is a forum for professionals and beginners alike, noone needs to be pro from the first time he throws a mic at something.
Almost everyone on this forum is really supportive and helps the "newbs", no matter how "beginner-level" the questions are.
In your case the problem is, that you are CHARGING MONEY for your work, that means you're selling a "professional" product, your questions show clearly, that you're at the VERY beginning of learning this craft and BY FAR not experienced enough to run a business....
as I said, that is nothing bad, there are a lot of hobbyists here, and noone has a problem with that...
but there are also some pros here. who have to make a living producing/recording bands....
and to be frank one of the biggest problems of this business are young kids with little knowledge and a cracked version of sx3 operating from their bedrooms.
everyone of the pros experiences the following situation at least 4 times a year:

Band asks for a engineer gives them the cheapest price (much below what the work is actually worth), band replies with "but the guitarist of my brother's band runs a studio and he does it for 1/10th of the price".

What follows is either explaining those bands what quality studiowork means and how much good gear costs, or just resignating and sending them to that "bedroom studio guy" (that's what I'm usually doing).

I'm not exaggerating when I say that these bedroom-"studios" are the BIGGEST plague of the production/engineering/recording-industry.

And again, it's all good if you don't have a lot of experience, gear or knowledge..and people will gladly help you out with pretty much every question...
In your case you're running a business and charging money, that means you're offering "pro work"...your questions clearly show that you're FAR from being a pro...hence the comments of greywolf and sigmund.

I cannot ban them for that, nor would I want it to do that, cause I can perfectly understand where they're coming from.

My advice would be:
be humble, learn the craft, improve your skills, GET THE BASICS COVERED...
but don't pretend to be a pro engineer/don't charge money/don't offer pro studiowork, when you're NOT a pro.
cause noone will like that over here, as I said above...THAT exactly is the biggest problem of this industry...if you wanna be a part of this industry fight this problem, dont be a part of the problem.

so much for the explanation from my side.......I totally agree with metalages, threads can just be ignored, and no need to insult anyone (don't really see anyone having done that in this thread though)....

+1. Sorry if my post caused you any extra trouble, Lasse! BTW, I'm formerly known as CJ around these parts (the Fireball guy!) =D
+1. Sorry if my post caused you any extra trouble, Lasse! BTW, I'm formerly known as CJ around these parts (the Fireball guy!) =D

I think most of us, or at least a lot of us, know who you are CJ ;) , and know the AWESOME work you used to post here. Glad to have the likes of you back around here.
Aight man, my main complaint about the mix is the guitars. There's a weird high-mid grain to them. Turn the treble knob down until its really smooth, maybe a tad muffled and then turn it up a liiiiiittle bit. That should be nice and clear. That or you could set your high-pass and low pass to say
80hz and 10khz and then dial in your bass and treble knobs to fit.
I quite often do this because like, I dig really really all encompassing THICK tones, so I dial in a lot of bass, but then you get a fuckload of rumble. You high-pass that shit out and you're left with pure thickness.
Or for the high end, low-pass pretty low so shit's a bit muffled and then dial in your high end for clarity, that can work nicely too. It's just one method of dialling in guitar tones. Perhaps I shouldn't be teaching you this shit before you can dial in amazing raw tones, but whatever. I trust you'll use the info responsibly and still work on getting your raw tones as balanced as possible.

For this mix though. Try cutting with at 8-9khz with a fairly wide Q. Also try 5-6khz and 2khz. If your low-pass is at 12khz try pulling it down to 10khz as well and maybe you wont need to cut at 8-9khz.

Kick drum is a little buried a, little boomy and a little raw sounding. Fuck around with 60-100hz range. Try compressing a little more.
Snare drum is also a little raw sounding
4:1 ratio
20ms attack
120ms release
-5db gain reduction on the hardest hits.

Big 200hz boost anywhere from 3db to 9db BEFORE the compressor. High-pass everything below that boost out. Cut around 1khz and boost at 5khz and that should be a nice improvement.

How are you processing bass?
It's a cool idea I suppose, but the forum isn't quite big or active enough yet. It'll only segregate the community into a couple of seperate smaller communities.
The occaisional dude comes on here and starts asking nooby questions and get butthurt when total cunts like myself have a laugh at their expense, but some people shrug it off and stick around and get good at an astronomical rate.

A year on this forum surrounded by guys like Lasse, Ermin, Ryan, Oz, etc will make your shit do such a huge leap in quality it's not even funny. A beginner's corner isn't really going to help all that much.

Anyway, crit coming in another post Line (what's your real name by the way?)

just thinking that beginner corner today on my job and post that idea here and check how many could like that idea cos this forum got killer tips and just think how to make this better or easy to use and find :Spin: