St. Anger is brilliant


Apr 8, 2003
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Look I am the first to admit I was wrong. Man watch the DVD with the bass heavier production then judge. Man I just love this albun. Metallicaisms crop up all over the place. And still the lack of a lead break annoys the fuck out of me.

Look they are back. Just give it a chance doubters. Or instead suck on some "fine Colombian" and get over your perceived and futile loss. They have changed and I just dig it.

The DVD sounds so much better its amazing. Then you go back to the CD and those drums actually sound great.

Awesome hard rock is all I will say.
I have to admit, the DVD clips I watched were a lot more compelling than the actual studio work. They should have just used that audio for it. I mean, it'd have Rob on bass too instead of B*b R*ck. And the production is actually BETTER.
When I first got the cd a week ago I thought it was okay, then it grew on me (especially after seeing the DVD) and now after a huge amount of listens - I'm going off it again. The songs are so simplistic, made up of about two or three riffs each and there are no nice musical passages to break up the monotony - it's just riff,verse,chorus,riff,chorus,end - repetitive in the extreme and after listening to Blackwater Park again last night I have to say Metallica are now amateurs compared to Opeth.

Anyway - whys this on the Opeth board for fucks sake??
i don't love it but i think it's ok. 3 songs i do like alot...the rest are bordering on average.

The thing that annoys me most is that it's like they wrote each song and then said fuck it's not metal if the songs don't go for 8 minutes or more and decided just to play the song three times and call it one song.

I think it's ok. kicks the shit out of load. though i would have liked an accoustic song and some solos.
Brilliant is a bit much, and i think that the song St Anger sucks on the DVD (Hetfield fucks up too much), but otherwise I agree the DVD is great.

This isn't a fantastic album and it's not shit. It's just pretty darn good.
Hmm...I've now heard half of the album and haven't seen the DVD. I can't make an accurate and proper judgement, but I can honestly say I do not like ANY of the songs I've heard. In fact, I even hate most of them.

And what the hell is this? "Watch the dvd". Welll, why should I have to watch a fucking DVD (even if it's "free") when the band should have taken the effort to make the ALBUM as stellar as possible? Of course I'll still check out the DVD (when my cousin brings it home...there's no way I'm buying this) but it is still wrong to assume that everyone has/affords a DVD player, and even those of us who have one should not have to give St.Anger a second try on video...the album should be top fucking priority, and what I've heard so far sucks beyond repair. This probably means Metallica were aware of how shit the production was (though I reckon they wanted that kind of production so it could sound more "rough" or "garage") and the DVD is a fucking apology.

And one more thing, I'm personally sick and tired of both, the mindless Metallica bashers who will go to great extents to tell us that they should all suck penises, and the idiotic Metallica fanboys who assume that EVERYONE who doesn't like St.Anger is close minded and wants another Master of Puppets.

The fact is, I really couldn't give two shits if they are back or if they changed or if James was in rehab or whatever, all I care is about the music, and so far Metallica hasn't delivered in a very long while.

Why should I waste my time with this when I can easily listen to much superior music, at the touch of a button? I have My Dying Bride, Moonsorrow, Ephel Duath, Cynic (!), Atheist, Death and so many other great bands' music to waste my time with this. Though I do plan on downloading it all just out of curiosity, but it seems unlikely that the rest of the album will make up for the dogshit that is the first half.
Azogue said:
And one more thing, I'm personally sick and tired of both, the mindless Metallica bashers who will go to great extents to tell us that they should all suck penises, and the idiotic Metallica fanboys who assume that EVERYONE who doesn't like St.Anger is close minded and wants another Master of Puppets.

The fact is, I really couldn't give two shits if they are back or if they changed or if James was in rehab or whatever, all I care is about the music, and so far Metallica hasn't delivered in a very long while.

Why should I waste my time with this when I can easily listen to much superior music, at the touch of a button? I have My Dying Bride, Moonsorrow, Ephel Duath, Cynic (!), Atheist, Death and so many other great bands' music to waste my time with this. Though I do plan on downloading it all just out of curiosity, but it seems unlikely that the rest of the album will make up for the dogshit that is the first half.

I couldn't agree with you more!!!:)
I agree... though St. Anger is heavier and has some good metal elements to it.. I'd still rather listen to some of the Load epics... Bleeding Me is awesome, though it's not as thrashy... just so there's an example...

and I agree totally with the statement that there's soooooooo much more beautiful and awesome music out there to listen to...